Tag Archives: migrants

Image of the month: a Syrian refugee “menaces” Europe

2016 JANI’m proud to say that Cana­da is wel­com­ing 30,000 Syr­i­an refugees. They will make fine Canadians.

Sunday, December 20, 2015 — Pride

15-12-20 BLOG Ministers & Syrian refugees

Canada’s Cab­i­net Min­is­ters of Immi­gra­tion (John McCal­lum), Defense (Har­jit Saj­jan), and Health (Jane Philpott) with Syr­i­an refugee children.

I’m a cur­mud­geony cyn­ic, most of the time, so it’s not often I get to pro­claim that I’m proud of my coun­try. But the behav­iour of Cana­di­ans in the last week has filled me with pride. Last month, I post­ed a let­ter I sent to my Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment, ask­ing that the com­mit­ment to admit­ting Syr­i­an refugees to Cana­da be expand­ed to greater num­bers. My sen­ti­ments seem to be shared by most Cana­di­ans, but that is not the case elsewhere.

In the Unit­ed States, the major­i­ty of politi­cians (all Repub­li­cans, of course, but many Democ­rats, too) have decid­ed to be pals with ISIS, col­lab­o­rat­ing in their attroc­i­ties by mak­ing it dif­fi­cult for their vic­tims to find refuge. The March­ing Morons have tri­umphed, and there have been numer­ous acts of ter­ror­ism against inno­cent peo­ple, encour­aged and abet­ted by Fox Prav­da and the usu­al Con­ser­v­a­tive scum­bags.  Read more »