Category Archives: AI - Blog 2013 - Page 2

Image of the month: We Guard the Black Planet!

13-10-01 BLOG Image of the month - We Guard the Black Planet!

Thursday, September 5, 2013 — Frederik Pohl, 1919–2013

Frederik Pohl (middle) in 1938

Fred­erik Pohl (mid­dle) in 1938

Frederik Pohl in 1968

Fred­erik Pohl in 1968

To remain cul­tur­al­ly rel­e­vant for sev­en­ty-six years is a rare accom­plish­ment for any writer. Fred­erik Pohl’s career as a pro­fes­sion­al writer began in 1937, and end­ed this last Mon­day with his death. His last pub­lished nov­el was in 2011, and he was work­ing on a sec­ond vol­ume of auto­bi­og­ra­phy when he died. His blog, The Way the Future Blogs, was one of my favourites on the web in recent years — and his sto­ries and nov­els were among my favourites when I was grow­ing up. He found new read­ers with each decade of his long career. His influ­ence as an edi­tor was equal­ly sig­nif­i­cant. The field of Sci­ence Fic­tion owes much to him, though he was nev­er a flashy atten­tion-get­ter, nev­er the sub­ject of a per­son­al­i­ty cult. At SF con­ven­tions, he remained just a fan, some­one to chat with ami­ably at a par­ty, who did not care whether you were a big shot or a pim­ply teenag­er. I can vouch for that from per­son­al expe­ri­ence. Ascer­bic wit co-exist­ed with gen­tle­ness and human­i­ty in his demeanor. He was, as they used to say on the stage, “a class act.”

13-09-05 BLOG Frederik Pohl recent

Image of the month: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee

13-09-01 BLOG Image of the month -The Storm on the Sea of Galilee

Rem­brandt’s Storm on the Sea of Galilee (1633) 160 cm × 128 cm. The paint­ing was stolen from a gallery in 1990 and its where­abouts are unknown. It prob­a­bly sits on the bed­room wall of some gang­ster billionaire.

Image of the month:

13-08-01 BLOG yurt

Thursday, July 18, 2013 — Steve Muhlberger on “Democracy in Trouble”

A fine, suc­cinct post on the cur­rent dys­func­tion­al state of democ­ra­cy in both Cana­da and the Unit­ed States.


Indeed an even more impor­tant prin­ci­ple has been lost track of in just the last few years. That is the idea that the Prime Min­is­ter and his cab­i­net only hold office when they can com­mand the con­fi­dence of the House of Com­mons. Remem­ber when Steven Harp­er was held in con­tempt of Par­lia­ment by major­i­ty of the mem­bers? And the Gov­er­nor Gen­er­al let him get away with ignor­ing this and treat­ing it as mere­ly a par­ti­san stunt? One can have a cer­tain amount of sym­pa­thy for the Gov­er­nor Gen­er­al who prob­a­bly felt that if she fired Harp­er instead of let­ting him pro­rogue Par­lia­ment, she would enjoy no sup­port what­so­ev­er in the polit­i­cal class. She was right, but right here the Cana­di­an Con­sti­tu­tion broke down, and few peo­ple noticed or at least took it seriously.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013 — Tim Burton Predicted Toronto’s Fate in 1992

13-07-17 BLOG Mayor Penguin

When Rob Ford was elect­ed May­or of Toron­to in 2010, I felt no hes­i­ta­tion in pre­dict­ing that he would unleash a tidal wave of chaos, incom­pe­tence and cor­rup­tion on our fair city. His type of pho­ny-baloney “pop­ulism” was noth­ing new to me, and the results pre­dictable. My eval­u­a­tion has been con­firmed a thou­sand times over.

This evening, I was watch­ing Tim Bur­ton’s sec­ond Bat­man film, Bat­man Returns (1992), and was in stitch­es over the obvi­ous resem­blance between Ford’s cam­paign and per­son­al­i­ty, and the Pen­guin, as por­trayed by Dan­ny DeVi­to. The Pen­guin runs for may­or of Gotham City on pret­ty much the same plat­form, and his phys­i­cal resem­blance to Ford makes it all the more delight­ful. Think­ing I might find a good still from the film on the inter­net to illus­trate my point, I dis­cov­ered that many oth­er peo­ple had made the same con­nec­tion. The above image was all over the web. Kudos to the anony­mous humourist who cre­at­ed it.

Image of the month: The Space Willies

13-07-01 BLOG The Space WilliesAn Ace Dou­ble cov­er from 1971, a typ­i­cal­ly imp­ish one by artist Kel­ly Freas. This is ACE DOUBLE 77785, a reprint with new cov­er art of D‑315 pub­lished in 1958. By this time, ACE Dou­bles had switched to the “tall” for­mat to con­form to stan­dard paper­back racks. ACE Dou­bles had two books bound togeth­er, each upside down in rela­tion to the oth­er. In this case, both sides were books by Eric Frank Rus­sell (the oth­er one was a short sto­ry col­lec­tion called Six Worlds Yon­der). Rus­sell was British, but his style was con­vinc­ing­ly Amer­i­can, and few read­ers of Amer­i­can SF mag­a­zines knew this. In some ways, he was sim­i­lar to Clif­ford Simak, but with a more satir­ic tone. As ear­ly as 1941, Rus­sell was crew­ing his future space ships with mul­ti-racial char­ac­ters. One of the ear­li­est Sci­ence Fic­tion sto­ries that had an intense emo­tion­al affect on me was his Dear Dev­il, which I read as a small child.

The Hunters Who Owned Themselves” Translated into Japanese

13-06-30 BLOG The Hunters Who Owned Themselves Translated into JapaneseThere is now a Japan­ese edi­tion of The Secret His­to­ry of Democ­ra­cy. I am most curi­ous to know, but will prob­a­bly nev­er know, how my prose in “The Hunters Who Owned Them­selves” reads in Japan­ese trans­la­tion, or how the mix­ture of Eng­lish, French, Michif and Cree ter­mi­nol­o­gy was han­dled. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I do not yet pos­sess the pub­li­ca­tion data… only that a Japan­ese edi­tion has exist­ed for sev­er­al months. Per­haps some Japan­ese read­er who is flu­ent in Eng­lish will report to me on this mat­ter. Read more »

Image of the month:

13-06-01 BLOG Image of the month

Image of the month: Real Cowboys

13-05-01 IMAGE Real CowboysHis­toric ear­ly pho­to­graph of cow­boys, show­ing how lit­tle they resem­bled their rep­re­sen­ta­tion in movies and tele­vi­sion. Many cow­boys were Black. It was a low-wage, low-sta­tus pro­fes­sion. Authen­tic peri­od Cow­boy Bal­lads sing of lone­li­ness and their out­cast sta­tus: “My Church is the sky, where I wor­ship alone…My par­son­’s a wolf on his pul­pit of bones.”