27711. (Robert S. Mueller) Report On The Inves­ti­ga­tion Into Russ­ian Inter­fer­ence In The 2016 
. . . . . Pres­i­den­tial Elec­tion [Wash­ing­ton Post edition]
27712. (Made­line Ash­by) Com­pa­ny Town
27713. (Vale­rio Alfon­so Bruno) The Pro­duc­tion of Fear. Euro­pean Democ­ra­cies in the Age of 
. . . . . Pop­ulisms and Tech­noc­ra­cies [arti­cle]
27714. (Esther J. Lee et al) Col­lec­tive Buri­als among Agro-pas­toral Soci­eties in lat­er Neolithic 
. . . . . Ger­many: Per­spec­tives from Ancient DNA [arti­cle]
27715. (Tomas Chamor­ro-Pre­muz­ic) Why Do So Many Incom­pe­tent Men Become Leaders?
(Oliv­er Sacks) The Riv­er of Consciousness:
. . . . 27716. (Oliv­er Sacks) Dar­win and the Mean­ing of Flow­ers [arti­cle]
. . . . 27717. (Oliv­er Sacks) Speed [arti­cle]
. . . . 27718. (Oliv­er Sacks) Sen­tience: The Men­tal Lives of Plants and Worms [arti­cle]
. . . . 27719. (Oliv­er Sacks) The Oth­er Road: Freud as Neu­rol­o­gist [arti­cle]
. . . . 27720. (Oliv­er Sacks) The Facil­i­ty of Mem­o­ry [arti­cle]
. . . . 27721. (Oliv­er Sacks) Mis­hear­ings [arti­cle]
. . . . 27722. (Oliv­er Sacks) The Cre­ative Self [arti­cle]
. . . . 27723. (Oliv­er Sacks) A Gen­er­al Feel­ing of Dis­or­der [arti­cle]
. . . . 27724. (Oliv­er Sacks) The Riv­er of Con­scious­ness [arti­cle]
. . . . 27725. (Oliv­er Sacks) Sco­toma: For­get­ting and Neglect in Sci­ence [arti­cle]
27726. (Rober­tus J. van der Spek) Eth­nic Seg­re­ga­tion in Hel­lenis­tic Baby­lon [arti­cle]
27727. (James Ran­di) The Truth About Uri Geller
27728. (Fiona Bowie) Witch­craft and Heal­ing among the Bang­wa of Cameroon [arti­cle]

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