(Hawks 1955) Land of the Pharaohs
(Irv­ing 1968) Colum­bo: Ep.1 ― Pre­scrip­tion: Murder
(Zuck­er 1991) The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear
(Mahon 1965) The Beast That Killed Women
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (360) The Beast That Killed Women
(Palmer 2015) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.102 ― Mur­der by Magic
(King 1930) Shad­ow Ranch
(Smith 2001) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.16 — The Elec­tric Vendetta
(Guð­munds­son 1981) Out­law: The Saga of Gis­li [Útlaginn]
(Milosavel­je­vich 2018) How Long Have Peo­ple Lived In America?
(2016) The Ark Before Noah: A Great Adven­ture [Irv­ing Finkel lecture]
(Griss­mer 1987) Blood Rage
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (361) Blood Rage
(Gowarik­er 2016) Mohen­jo Daro
(Simón 1990) The Rift
(Tenold 2019) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: The Rift
(Rye 2015) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.103 ― The Bal­lad of Mid­somer County
(Wolfe 1970) Sav­age Intrud­er [aka Hol­ly­wood Hor­ror House]
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (363) Sav­age Intrud­er [aka Hol­ly­wood Hor­ror House]
(Ander­son 2005) The Simp­sons: Ep.355 ― Home Away from Homer
(Zeman 1955) Ces­ta do Pravěku [Jour­ney to Prehistory]
(Lynd 2011) Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies: Ep.45 ― Dead End Street
(L’Ecuryer 2011) Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies: Ep.46 ― Con­fed­er­ate Treasure
(Seed 2000) Dr. Bell & Mr. Doyle: The Dark Begin­nings of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.1 ― Mur­der Rooms
(Irvin 2013) Nowhere Boys: Ep.9
(Dohler 1982) Nightbeast
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (362) Nightbeast
(Groen­ing / Moore & Van­zo 1999) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.1 ― [Pilot] Space Pilot 3000
(Kric­falusi 1991) Ren & Stimpy: Ep.1 ― Stimpy’s Big Day
(Kric­falusi 1991) Ren & Stimpy: Ep.2 ― The Big Shot!
(Laugh­land 2015) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.104 ― A Vin­tage Murder
(Bouchard 1999) Home Movies: Ep.1 ― Get Away From My Mom
(Ben­nett 1989) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.1 ― The Adven­ture of the Clapham Cook
(2010) Robert Sapol­sky — Human Behav­ioral Biol­o­gy: Lec­ture 4 ― Mol­e­c­u­lar Genet­ics I
(2010) Robert Sapol­sky — Human Behav­ioral Biol­o­gy: Lec­ture 5 ― Mol­e­c­u­lar Genet­ics II
(Tuck­er 2001) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.17 — Who Killed Cock Robin?
(Bon­nière 1994) The Odyssey: Ep.24 ― Run for Your Life
(Crow­ley 2007) Boy A
(Roi­land 2013) Rick and Morty: Ep.1 ― Pilot

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