Category Archives: DC - Viewing - 2019


(Wag­gn­er 1941) The Wolf Man
(Branagh 2017) Mur­der on the Ori­ent Express
(Hair 2019) Rick and Morty: Ep.33 ― The Old Man and the Seat
(King 2009) Under the Mountain
(Filoni 2019) The Man­dalo­ri­an: Ep.1 ― Chap­ter 1
(Hair 2019) Rick and Morty: Ep.34 ― One Crew over the Crew­coo’s Morty
(Gas­nier 1930) The Quar­ry [aka Shad­ow of the Law]
(Zeglio 1967) Mis­sion Star­dust [ ..4 ..3 ..2 ..1 …morte]
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(Wal­lace 1982) Hal­loween 3: Sea­son of the Witch
(Roeg 1971) Walkabout
(Laugh­land 2016) Mid­somer Mur­ders: Ep.111 ― The Vil­lage That Rose from the Dead
(Zeman 1958) The Dead­ly Inven­tion [Vynález zkázy] [aka The Fab­u­lous World of Jules Verne]
(Argen­to 2012) Drac­u­la 3D
(Tenold 2019) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Drac­u­la 3D
(Waters 2008) The Spi­der­wick Chronicles
(Jonze 2009) Where the Wild Things Are
(Abra­hams, Zuck­er & Zuck­er 1980) Airplane!
(Forsyth 1980) Gre­go­ry’s Girl
(Hayes 2019) Rick and Morty: Ep.32 ― Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat
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(Find­lay 1988) Prime Evil
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (375) Prime Evil
(Burns 2012) Bravest War­riors: Ep.1 ― Time Slime
(Stevens 1959) The Twi­light Zone: Ep.1 ― Where Is Everybody?
(Kier­sch 1987) Gor
(de Chomón 1906) Ah! La barbe! [A Fun­ny Shave]
(1964) Woody Allen Dic­tates a Love Let­ter on Can­did Cam­era [TV show fragment]
(1964) Woody Allen’s Una­time Wel­come on Can­did Cam­era [TV show fragment]
(Margher­i­ti 1983) Yor, the Hunter From the Future
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (376) Gor & Yor
(Groen­ing / Avanzi­no 1999) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.2 ― The Series Has Landed
(Per­sichet­ti & Ram­sey 2018) Spi­der-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
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(Crow­ley 2007) Boy A
(Carter 2016) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.108 ― A Dying Art
(1896–1900) Vic­to­ri­an Era Footage from Around the World 
(Méliès 1897) Après le bal
(White 1900) Why Mrs. Jones Got a Divorce
(Urban 1903) Cheese Mites [aka What the Pro­fes­sor Found in the Cheese]
(Urban 1906) The Streets of London
(White 1896) A Morn­ing Bath
(White 1896) Her­ald Square
(White 1896) Pas­sa­ic Falls, New Jersey
(White 1896) Amer­i­can Falls from Above, Amer­i­can Side
(Heise 1896) Amy Muller
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(Blair 1961) The Adven­tures of Super­boy [unsold TV series pilot]
(Tut­tle 1929) The Stu­dio Mur­der Mystery
(Lang­dale 1995) Earth­worm Jim: Ep.1 ― Sidekicked
(Rob­bins 1978) Corvette Summer
(Kin­caid 1986) Robot Holocaust 
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (365) Robot Holocaust
(Kin­caid 1986) Robot Holo­caust [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Rear­don 1994) The Simp­sons: Ep.109 ― Tree­house of Hor­ror V
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.23 ― The Dooms­day Men, Part 1: Dressed to Kill
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.24 ― The Dooms­day Men, Part 2: The Burn­ing Sword
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.25 ― The Dooms­day Men, Part 3: Run Rab­bit Run
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.26 ― The Dooms­day Men, Part 4: The Shuttlecock
(Pil­lai 2016) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.105 ― Habeas Corpus
(Vasquez 2001) Invad­er Zim: Ep.1 ― The Night­mare Begins
(Rose 2012) Max von Sydow on Ing­mar Bergman 
(Schus­ter 1952) Kid Monk Baroni
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(Hawks 1955) Land of the Pharaohs
(Irv­ing 1968) Colum­bo: Ep.1 ― Pre­scrip­tion: Murder
(Zuck­er 1991) The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear
(Mahon 1965) The Beast That Killed Women
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (360) The Beast That Killed Women
(Palmer 2015) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.102 ― Mur­der by Magic
(King 1930) Shad­ow Ranch
(Smith 2001) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.16 — The Elec­tric Vendetta
(Guð­munds­son 1981) Out­law: The Saga of Gis­li [Útlaginn]
(Milosavel­je­vich 2018) How Long Have Peo­ple Lived In America?
(2016) The Ark Before Noah: A Great Adven­ture [Irv­ing Finkel lecture]
(Griss­mer 1987) Blood Rage
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (361) Blood Rage
(Gowarik­er 2016) Mohen­jo Daro
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(Lantz 1930) Spooks [Oswald the Lucky Rab­bit cartoon]
(Lantz 1930) Snap­py Sales­man [Oswald the Lucky Rab­bit cartoon]
(Lantz 1928) Ozzie of the Mount­ed [Oswald the Lucky Rab­bit cartoon]
(Cooke 2018) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.121 ― Till Death Do Us Part
(Arm­strong 2000) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.13 — Beyond the Grave
(Yapp 2007) The Secret Life of Brian
(Jex 2008) Black­ad­der Exclu­sive: The Whole Rot­ten Saga
(Jex 2009) Fawl­ty Tow­ers: Re-Opened
(Pil­lai 2014) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.97 ― Let Us Prey
(del Toro 2017) The Shape of Water
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(Don­ner 1978) Superman
(Annakin 1960) Swiss Fam­i­ly Robinson
(Mar­ti­no 1978) Slave of the Can­ni­bal God [aka Moun­tain of the Can­ni­bal God]
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (353) Star Wars: The Road to Men­ace, Part 1
(Frow 2018) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.119 ― Draw­ing Dead
(Band & Band 1992) Doc­tor Mordrid
(Tenold 2019) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Doc­tor Mordrid
(Hay 2013) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.95 ― Schooled in Murder
(Neu­mann 1958) The Fly
(Ware­ing 1989) Doc­tor Who: Ep.686 ― Ghost Light, Part 1
(Ware­ing 1989) Doc­tor Who: Ep.687 ― Ghost Light, Part 2
(Ware­ing 1989) Doc­tor Who: Ep.688 ― Ghost Light, Part 3
(Smith 2000) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.11 — Blue Herrings
(Kel­ly & Donen 1952) Sin­gin’ in the Rain
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(Trelfer 2016) Dark Cor­ners Review: (100) Fiend With­out a Face
(di Chiera 2009) Death of the Megabeasts
(Fried­kin 1970) The Boys in the Band
(Fried­man 1989) Phan­tom of the Mall: Eric’s Revenge
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (349) Phan­tom of the Mall: Eric’s Revenge
(Sas­dy 1985) The Secret Diary of Adri­an Mole: Ep.1
(Winther 2004) The Librar­i­an: Quest for the Spear
(Schu­mach­er 1994) The Client
(Miike 2001) The Hap­pi­ness of the Katakuris [カタクリ家の幸福 ; Katakuri-ke no Kōfuku]
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (350) The Hor­ror Films of F. W. Murnau
(Oliv­er 2008) On the Oth­er Hand, Death
(1928) Ear­ly Sound Footage: Unit­ed States
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(Joffe 2017) Tin Star: Ep.1 ― Fun and (S)Laughter
(Rye 2011) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.91 ― Mur­der of Innocence
(Sil­ber­ston 1998) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.3 — Death of a Hol­low Man
(Rye 2012) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.92 ― Writ­ten in the Stars
(Tay­lor 1998) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.4 — Faith­ful Unto Death
(McNaughton 1974) Mon­ty Python’s Fly­ing Cir­cus: Ep.41 ― Michael Ellis
(Moore 1976) Mur­der By Death
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