(Find­lay 1988) Prime Evil
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (375) Prime Evil
(Burns 2012) Bravest War­riors: Ep.1 ― Time Slime
(Stevens 1959) The Twi­light Zone: Ep.1 ― Where Is Everybody?
(Kier­sch 1987) Gor
(de Chomón 1906) Ah! La barbe! [A Fun­ny Shave]
(1964) Woody Allen Dic­tates a Love Let­ter on Can­did Cam­era [TV show fragment]
(1964) Woody Allen’s Una­time Wel­come on Can­did Cam­era [TV show fragment]
(Margher­i­ti 1983) Yor, the Hunter From the Future
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (376) Gor & Yor
(Groen­ing / Avanzi­no 1999) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.2 ― The Series Has Landed
(Per­sichet­ti & Ram­sey 2018) Spi­der-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
(2010) Robert Sapol­sky — Human Behav­ioral Biol­o­gy: Lec­ture 15 ― Human Sex­u­al Behav­ior I
(2010) Robert Sapol­sky — Human Behav­ioral Biol­o­gy: Lec­ture 16 ― Human Sex­u­al Behav­ior II
(2010) Robert Sapol­sky — Human Behav­ioral Biol­o­gy: Lec­ture 17 ― Human Sex­u­al Behav­ior III 
. . . & Aggres­sion I
(Arzn­er 1930) Sarah and Son
(Kric­falusi 1991) Ren & Stimpy: Ep.5 ― Space Madness
(Kric­falusi 1991) Ren & Stimpy: Ep.6 ― The Boy Who Cried Rat!
(Gould­ing 1930) Reach­ing for the Moon
(Mar­cus 2007) Roman Mys­ter­ies: Ep.7 ― The Dol­phins of Lau­ren­tum, Part 1
(Mar­cus 2007) Roman Mys­ter­ies: Ep.8 ― The Dol­phins of Lau­ren­tum, Part 2
(Mar­tin­son 1966) Bat­man: The Movie
(Hugh­es 2013) Motive: Ep.1 ― Creep­ing Tom
(Margher­i­ti 1983) Yor, the Hunter From the Future [Riff­Trax version]
(Hood 2013) Ender’s Game
(Friend 1987) Miss Marple: Ep.9 ― 4:50 from Paddington
(Dekker 1986) Night of the Creeps
(Tenold 2019) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Night of the Creeps
(Roy­al Insti­tu­tion 2019) There Is No Algo­rithm for Truth [Tom Scott lecture]
(2019) Rachel Mad­dow In Conversation
(Som­bo­gaart 2006) Cru­sade in Jeans [Kruis­tocht in spijkerbroek]
(Ulmer 1960) The Amaz­ing Trans­par­ent Man
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (378) The Amaz­ing Trans­par­ent Man
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (380) The Ham­mer Drac­u­la Top 10 Moments

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