(Wal­lace 1982) Hal­loween 3: Sea­son of the Witch
(Roeg 1971) Walkabout
(Laugh­land 2016) Mid­somer Mur­ders: Ep.111 ― The Vil­lage That Rose from the Dead
(Zeman 1958) The Dead­ly Inven­tion [Vynález zkázy] [aka The Fab­u­lous World of Jules Verne]
(Argen­to 2012) Drac­u­la 3D
(Tenold 2019) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Drac­u­la 3D
(Waters 2008) The Spi­der­wick Chronicles
(Jonze 2009) Where the Wild Things Are
(Abra­hams, Zuck­er & Zuck­er 1980) Airplane!
(Forsyth 1980) Gre­go­ry’s Girl
(Hayes 2019) Rick and Morty: Ep.32 ― Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat
(Grei­danus 1990) The Final Sac­ri­fice [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Mau­ri 1964) Slaugh­ter of the Vam­pires [La strage dei vampiri]
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (381) Slaugh­ter of the Vampires
(Moser 2017) Big Mouth: Ep.1 ― Ejaculation
(Kura­ta 1977) Leg­end of Dinosaurs and Mon­ster Birds [恐竜・怪鳥の伝説]
(Trelfer 2019) Dark Cor­ners Review: (382) Leg­end of Dinosaurs and Mon­ster Birds
(Kas­sell 2019) Watch­men: Ep.1 ― It’s Sum­mer and We’re Run­ning Out of Ice
(Bre­vig 2008) Jour­ney to the Cen­ter of the Earth
(Broc­ka 2007) Rick & Steve: The Hap­pi­est Gay Cou­ple in All the World: Ep.1 ― Guess Who’s 
Com­ing for Quiche?
(Tenold 2013) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Leg­end of the Dinosaurs
(2010) Robert Sapol­sky — Human Behav­ioral Biol­o­gy: Lec­ture 18 ― Aggres­sion II
(Nunn 2016) Eliminators
(Mar­shall 1961) Phan­tom Planet
(Bathurst 2011) Black Mir­ror: Ep.1 ― The Nation­al Anthem
(Maet­zig 1960) The First Space­ship On Venus [U.S. ver­sion of Der schweigende Stern]
(Broc­ka 2007) Rick & Steve: The Hap­pi­est Gay Cou­ple in All the World: Ep.2 ― Bush Baby
(Sax 2006) Stormbreaker
(Luske 1959) Don­ald in Math­mag­ic Land
(Broc­ka 2007) Rick & Steve: The Hap­pi­est Gay Cou­ple in All the World: Ep.3 ― Damn Straights
(Hitch­cock 1955) The Trou­ble with Harry
(Spiel­berg 1989) Indi­ana Jones and the Last Crusade

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