17000. [4] (Walt Whitman) Leaves of Grass: Children of Adam [verse]

If any­thing is sacred the human body is sacred - Whit­man08-12-07 READ 17000. [4] (Walt Whitman) Leaves of Grass Children of Adam [verse]

In today’s prud­ish, pruri­ent and bil­ious North Amer­i­can cul­ture, Walt Whit­man is as sub­ver­sive as he was in the 19th cen­tu­ry. In “I Sing the Body Elec­tric”, prob­a­bly the best poem in the Chil­dren of Adam sec­tion of Leaves of Grass, he pro­claimed his per­son­al man­i­festo: look at the bod­ies of human beings, if you want to see the divine, the sacred, and moral truth. The rant­i­ng, per­verse ped­dlers of pho­ny “val­ues” — the pul­pit screech­ers and Con­ser­v­a­tive haters of life — know noth­ing of truth, beau­ty, or moral­i­ty. There is more moral­i­ty in a sin­gle line of Leaves of Grass than in a mil­lion ser­mons of church­ly bullshit.

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