(Levin 1950) The Fly­ing Missile
(Fer­nan­do, Segu­ra & Simms 2019) Becom­ing Labrador
(Odar 2017) Dark: Ep.1 ― Geheimnisse [Secrets]
(Gre­go­ry 2014) Lost Soul: The Doomed Jour­ney of Richard Stan­ley’s Island of Dr. Moreau
(John­son 1986) Solarbabies
(Gar­cia-Moli­na 2019) Hel­lo, Love, Goodbye
(Mora­han 1986) Clockwise
(Flem­ing 1937) Cap­tains Courageous
(Ben­nett 1989) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.5 ― The Third Floor Flat
(Olcott & Vig­no­la 1911) Rory O’More
(Chaf­fey 1967) The Pris­on­er: Ep.8 ― Checkmate
(Cop­po­la 1983) Rum­ble Fish
(Van Pat­ten 2020) Per­ry Mason: Chap­ter 2 
(Hoar 2013) Shet­land: Ep.1 ― Red Bones, Part 1
(Hoar 2013) Shet­land: Ep.2 ― Red Bones, Part 2
(Gos­selin 1971) Le mar­tien de Noël [The Christ­mas Martian]
(Telfer 2020) Dark Cor­ners Review: The Christ­mas Martian
(Olcott 1912) You Remem­ber Ellen
(Trelfer 2020) Bela Lugosi Doc­u­men­tary: The Return of Dracula
(Wan 2018) Aquaman
(Win­ner 1988) Appoint­ment with Death
(Jack­son 1967) The Pris­on­er: Ep.9 ― Ham­mer Into Anvil
(Tachikawa 2020) Deca-Dence [デカダンス]: Ep.1 ― Ignition
(Juran 1958) Attack of the 50 Foot Woman
(Tenold 2021) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Review: Attack of the 50 Foot Woman
(Truf­faut 1970) The Wild Child [L’en­fant sauvage]
(Gatlif 1993) Latcho Drom
(Hur­witz & Schloss­berg 2018) Cobra Kai: Ep.1 ― Ace Degenerate
(Myrick & Sánchez 1999) The Blair Witch Project
(Dear 1982) Timerid­er: The Adven­ture of Lyle Swann
(Trelfer 2021) Dark Cor­ners Review: (469) Timerider
(Sum­mers 1999) The Mummy
(Tren­chard-Smith 1983) BMX Bandits

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