First-time listening for January 2021

26083. (Micro­phones) Micro­phones in 2020
26084. (Christof Willibald Gluck) Sym­pho­ny in G “Weimar­er”, Chen G3
26085. (Christof Willibald Gluck) Sym­pho­ny Con­cer­tante in D, Chen D6
26086. (Christof Willibald Gluck) Sym­pho­ny in A “Regens­burg­er”, Chen A1
26087. (Christof Willibald Gluck) Sym­pho­ny in F, Chen F1 Wq.165/5
26088. (Christof Willibald Gluck) Sym­pho­ny in D, Chen D2, Wq.165/2
26089. (Open Mike Eagle) Ani­me, Trau­ma and Divorce
26090. (Aztec Cam­era) Knife
26091. (Adolphe Charles Adam) Le Pos­til­lon de Lon­jumeau [opera highlights;
. . . . . d. Ful­ton; Aler, Ander­son, Le Roux]
26092. (BTS [aka Bang­tan Boys) The Most Beau­ti­ful Moment in Life: Young Forever
26093. (Takashi Yoshi­mat­su) Sym­pho­ny #5 for Orchestra

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