(Ver­ho­even 1990) Total Recall
(Cur­tiz 1947) Life with Father
(Branagh 2020) Artemis Fowl
(Strock & Siod­mak 1962) The Dev­il’s Messenger
(Trelfer 2021) Dark Cor­ners Review: The Dev­il’s Messenger
(Rye 2017) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.112 ― Crime and Punishment
(Hon­da 1965) Franken­stein Con­quers the World [aka Franken­stein vs. Baragon]
(Trelfer 2021) Dark Cor­ners Review: Franken­stein Con­quers the World
(Tenold 2018) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Franken­stein Con­quers the World
(Lobue 1984) Oh Made­line: Ep.17 ― Play Crys­tal for Me
(McGoohan 1967) The Pris­on­er: Ep.11 ― A Change of Mind
(Ver­ho­even 1980) Spetters
(Nel­son 1979) The Black Hole
(Somer­ton 2020) The His­to­ry of Queer Baiting
(McK­ay 2014) Shet­land: Ep.3 ― Raven Black, Part 1
(McK­ay 2014) Shet­land: Ep.4 ― Raven Black, Part 2
(Fish­er 1968) The Dev­il Rides Out
(Trelfer 2021) Dark Cor­ners Review: The Dev­il Rides Out ― The Peak of Ham­mer Horror
(Tay­lor 2015) Grace and Franie: Ep.1 ― The End
(Winant 2015) Grace and Franie: Ep.2 ― The Cred­it Cards
(Don­ner 1985) The Goonies
(Kel­ly 2020) Star Trek: Low­er Decks: Ep.4 ― Moist Vessel
(Miller 1968) Whis­tle and I’ll Come to You
(Band 1987) Ghoulies 2
(Trelfer 2021) Dark Cor­ners Review: (483) Whis­tle and I’ll Come to You
(Van Pat­ten 2020) Per­ry Mason: Chap­ter 3
(Mar­tin 2016) Britain’s Ancient Tracks with Tony Robin­son: Ep.2 ― The Ridgeway
(Ribeiro 2010) I Don’t Want to Go Back Alone [Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho]
(Lester 1966) A Fun­ny Thing Hap­pened on the Way to the Forum
(Trelfer 2018) Dark Cor­ners Review: Fugi­tive Alien & Star Force: Fugi­tive Alien 2
(Odar 2017) Dark: Ep.2 ― Lügen [Lies]
(Rodriguez 2020) Vam­pires vs. The Bronx
(Trelfer 2020) Dark Cor­ners Review: Vam­pires vs. The Bronx
(Fukaza­wa 1978) Fugi­tive Alien
(Fukuza­wa 1978) Star Force: Fugi­tive Alien 2
(Stern 1987) Rolling Vengeance
(Tenold 2020) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Rolling Vengeance
(Somer­ton 2018) Mon­sters in the Clos­et — A His­to­ry of LGBT Rep­re­sen­ta­tion in Horror
. . . Cinema
(Bran­non 1953) Com­man­do Cody: Sky Mar­shal of the Uni­verse: Ep.1 ― Ene­mies of the
. . . Universe
(Bran­non 1953) Com­man­do Cody: Sky Mar­shal of the Uni­verse: Ep.2 ― Atom­ic Peril
(Fukaza­wa 1978) Fugi­tive Alien [MST3K version]
(Edwards 1934) Lord Edge­ware Dies
(DeCoteau 2012) 1313: Cougar Cult
(Hayashi 2020) Doro­he­do­ro [ドロヘドロ]: Ep.1 ― Caiman

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