(Trelfer 2021) Drac­u­la vs. Span­ish Drac­u­la ― A Tale of Two Visions
(Bern­stein 2006) 30 Rock: Ep.1 ― Pilot 
(Adreon 1953) Cana­di­an Moun­ties vs Atom­ic Invaders: Ep.1 ― Arc­tic Intrigue
(Adreon 1953) Cana­di­an Moun­ties vs Atom­ic Invaders: Ep.2 ― Mur­der or Accident?
(Adreon 1953) Cana­di­an Moun­ties vs Atom­ic Invaders: Ep.3 ― Fangs of Death
(Adreon 1953) Cana­di­an Moun­ties vs Atom­ic Invaders: Ep.4 ― Under­ground Inferno
(Pol­lock 1961) Mur­der, She Said
(Nal­luri 2014) The 100: Ep.1 ― Pilot
(Adreon 1953) Cana­di­an Moun­ties vs Atom­ic Invaders: Ep.5 ― Pur­suit to Destruction
(Adreon 1953) Cana­di­an Moun­ties vs Atom­ic Invaders: Ep.6 ― The Boat Trap
(Adreon 1953) Cana­di­an Moun­ties vs Atom­ic Invaders: Ep.7 ― Flame Ver­sus Gun
(Adreon 1953) Cana­di­an Moun­ties vs Atom­ic Invaders: Ep.8 ― High­way of Horror
(McGoohan 1967) The Pris­on­er: Ep.15 ― Once Upon a Time
(McGoohan 1967) The Pris­on­er: Ep.16 ― Fall Out
(Scott 2021) Raised by Wolves: Ep.1 ― Raised by Wolves
(Lim 2020) Rick and Morty: Ep.40 ― Childrick of Mort
(Adreon 1953) Cana­di­an Moun­ties vs Atom­ic Invaders: Ep.9 ― Doomed Cargo
(Adreon 1953) Cana­di­an Moun­ties vs Atom­ic Invaders: Ep.10 ― Human Quarry
(Adreon 1953) Cana­di­an Moun­ties vs Atom­ic Invaders: Ep.11 ― Mechan­i­cal Homicide
(Adreon 1953) Cana­di­an Moun­ties vs Atom­ic Invaders: Ep.12 ― Cav­ern of Revenge
(Wyler 1949) The Heiress
(Sil­ber­ston 2003) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.28 ― Birds of Prey
(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.1 ― A Vil­lage in Eng­land — July, 2089 A.D.
(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.2 ― Eng­land — July, 2089 A.D.
(Gor­don 1957) The Begin­ning of the End [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.1 ― The
. . . Stranger
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.2 ― A Real
. . . Case
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.3 ― The First
. . . Clue

(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.3 ― The Eng­lish Chan­nel — July, 2089 A.D.
(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.4 ― France — July, 2089 A.D.
(Favreau 2014) Chef
(Scott 2021) Raised by Wolves: Ep.2 ― Pentagram
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.4 ― The
. . . Fugitive
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.5 ―
. . . Applegate’s Gold
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.6 ― Dig For
. . . Treasure

(Deats 2017) Castl­e­va­nia: Ep.1 ― Witchbottle
(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.5 ― Chateau Ricordeau, France — July 2089 A.D.
(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.6 ― Chateau Ricordeau, France — July 2089 A.D.
(Hayes 2020) Rick and Morty: Ep.41 ― Star Mort Rick­turn of the Jerri
(Sato 2020) Rick and Morty Ani­me Short: Samu­rai & Shogun
(Sano 2020) Rick and Morty Ani­me Short: Rick and Morty vs. Genocider
(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.7 ― Chateau Ricordeau, France — August 2089 A.D.
(Bar­ry 1984) Tripods: Ep.8 ― Chateau Ricordeau, France — August 2089 A.D.
(Bar­ry 1984) Tripods: Ep.9 ― France — Sep­tem­ber, 2089 A.D.
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.7 ― A Pirate’s
. . . Chest
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.8 ― Boys In
. . . Trouble
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.9 ― The
. . . Female Detective

(Fish­er 1968) The Dev­il Rides Out
(Riberolles & Bedel 2013) Life on Fire: Ep.1 ― Ice­landic Volcanoes
(Kim 1967) Yon­gary, Mon­ster from the Deep [aka Rep­til­ian] [MST3K version]
(Trelfer 2013) Dark Cor­ners Review: Yon­gary, Mon­ster from the Deep
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.10 ― Iola’s
. . . Bravery
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.11 ― Footsteps
. . . in the Tower
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.12 ― The
. . . Pris­on­er Speaks

(Scott 2021) Raised by Wolves: Ep.3 ― Vir­tu­al Faith
(Tru­man & Yates 1968) Dan­ger Man: Ep.85 ― Koroshi
(Frow 2020) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.124 ― The Minia­ture Murders
(Adams 2003) Cas­tle: Ep.1 ― The Nor­mans and Their Castles
(Riberolles & Loy­er 2013) Life on Fire: Ep.2 ― Vol­cano Doctors
(Wood 1912) The Games of the V Olympiad Stock­holm, 1912
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.13 ― A Strange
. . . Confession
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.14 ― A Golden
. . . Clue
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.15 ― The Final
. . . Search

(Kramer 1971) Bless the Beasts and Children
(Son­nen­feld 2017) A Series of Unfor­tu­nate Events: Ep.2 ― The Bad Begin­ning, Part 2
(Lourié 1961) Gorgo

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