24628. (David Reich) Who We Are and How We Got Here
24629. (Gary Fein­man & Sta­cy Drake) The Fol­ly of Immuno­log­i­cal Deter­min­ism [arti­cle]
24630. (Nick Card, et al) To Cut a Long Sto­ry Short: For­mal Chrono­log­i­cal Modelling 
. . . . . for the Late Neolith­ic Site of Ness of Ness of Brodgar, Orkney [arti­cle]
24631. (Jehane Benoit) Madame Benoit Cooks at Home
24632. (Ted E. Bunch, et al) A Tun­gus­ka Sized Air­burst Destroyed Tall el-Ham­mam, a 
. . . . . Mid­dle Bronze Age City in the Jor­dan Val­ley Near the Dead Sea [arti­cle]
24633. (Jehane Benoit) The Cana­di­ana Cookbook
24634. (Richard Jones, et al) Analy­sis of Coloured Grooved Ware Sherds from the Ness 
. . . . . of Brodgar, Orkney [arti­cle]
24635. (P. Bueno-Ramírez, et al) From Pig­ment to Sym­bol: The Role of Paint­ings in 
. . . . . the Ide­o­log­i­cal Con­struc­tion of Euro­pean Mega­liths [arti­cle]
24636. (Har­ri­son T. Mese­role ‑ed.) Sev­en­teenth-Cen­tu­ry Amer­i­can Poetry

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