Category Archives: BA - Reading 2021


24787. (Bri­an Klaas) Cor­rupt­ible ― Who Gets Pow­er and How It Changes Us
24788. (Ben­jamin Isakhan) Civ­il Soci­ety in Hybrid Regimes: Trade Union Activism in 
. . . . . Post-2003 Iraq [arti­cle]
24789. (Mehmet Özdoğan) Human­iza­tion of Build­ings ― The Neolith­ic Rit­u­al of Burying 
. . . . . the Sacred [arti­cle]
24790. (John N. Mik­sic) Evolv­ing Archae­o­log­i­cal Per­spec­tives on South­east Asia, 
. . . . . 1970–1995 [arti­cle]
24791. (Anne Apple­baum) Twi­light of Democ­ra­cy ― The Seduc­tive Lure of 
. . . . . Authoritarianism
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24774. (Vaclav Smil) Enrich­ing the Earth ― Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch, and the 
. . . . . Trans­for­ma­tion of World Food Production 
24775. (Joseph Rosen­bloom) Per­fect Put-Downs and Instant Insults 
24776. (John N. Mik­sic) Ear­ly Burmese Urban­iza­tion: Research and Con­ser­va­tion [arti­cle]
24777. (Josi­ah Hen­son) The Life of Josi­ah Hen­son, For­mer­ly a Slave, Now an Inhabitant 
. . . . . of Cana­da, as Nar­rat­ed by Him­self [1849]
24778. (Mehmet Özdoğan) Mediter­ranean as a Supra-Region­al Inter­ac­tion Sphere During 
. . . . . Late Pre­his­to­ry: An Overview on Prob­lems and Prospects [arti­cle]
24779. (David Grae­ber & David Wen­grow) The Dawn of Every­thing ― A New His­to­ry of 
. . . . . Humanity
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24637. (Madeleine Dion Stout & Gre­go­ry Kipling) Abo­rig­i­nal Peo­ple, Resilience and the 
. . . . . Res­i­den­tial School Legacy 
24638. (Egerton Ryer­son) Report of Dr. Ryer­son on Indus­tri­al Schools, 1847
. . . . . [archive document]

24639. (William L. Cole­man) Preser­va­tion as Priv­i­lege [arti­cle]
24640. (David J. Green, Adam D. Gor­don & Bri­an G. Rich­mond) Limb-size Pro­por­tions in 
. . . . . Aus­tralo­p­ithe­cus afaren­sis and Aus­tralo­p­ithe­cus africanus [arti­cle]
24642. (Michael C. Ben­der) “Frankly, We Did Win This Elec­tion” The Inside Sto­ry of How 
. . . . . Trump Lost
(William M. Brei­d­ing ‑ed.) Portable Stor­age Six ― The Great Ser­con Issue, Part One:
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24628. (David Reich) Who We Are and How We Got Here
24629. (Gary Fein­man & Sta­cy Drake) The Fol­ly of Immuno­log­i­cal Deter­min­ism [arti­cle]
24630. (Nick Card, et al) To Cut a Long Sto­ry Short: For­mal Chrono­log­i­cal Modelling 
. . . . . for the Late Neolith­ic Site of Ness of Ness of Brodgar, Orkney [arti­cle]
24631. (Jehane Benoit) Madame Benoit Cooks at Home
24632. (Ted E. Bunch, et al) A Tun­gus­ka Sized Air­burst Destroyed Tall el-Ham­mam, a 
. . . . . Mid­dle Bronze Age City in the Jor­dan Val­ley Near the Dead Sea [arti­cle]
24633. (Jehane Benoit) The Cana­di­ana Cookbook
24634. (Richard Jones, et al) Analy­sis of Coloured Grooved Ware Sherds from the Ness 
. . . . . of Brodgar, Orkney [arti­cle]
24635. (P. Bueno-Ramírez, et al) From Pig­ment to Sym­bol: The Role of Paint­ings in 
. . . . . the Ide­o­log­i­cal Con­struc­tion of Euro­pean Mega­liths [arti­cle]
24636. (Har­ri­son T. Mese­role ‑ed.) Sev­en­teenth-Cen­tu­ry Amer­i­can Poetry


24615. (Michael J. LaRosa & Ger­mán R. Mejía) Colom­bia, A Con­cise Contemporary 
. . . . . History
24616. (Kapil Raj) Les grands voy­ages de décou­vertes [arti­cle]
24617. (Vic­to­ria Sax­on) Big Hero 6
24618. (Wang Xilu, et al) r‑Process Radioiso­topes from Near-Earth Super­novae and 
. . . . . Kilo­no­vae [arti­cle]
24619. (Anne Gat­ti) The Mag­ic Flute [ill. Peter Malone]
24620. (Mary L. Trump) Too Much and Nev­er Enough ― How My Fam­i­ly Cre­at­ed the 
. . . . . World’s Most Dan­ger­ous Man
24621. (Oscar Heano, et al) Fun­da­men­tos de cirugía laparoscópi­ca en Colom­bia con 
. . . . . teles­im­u­lación: una her­ramien­ta adi­cional para la for­ma­ción inte­gral de 
. . . . . ciru­janos [arti­cle]
24622. (Tony Abbott) Under­worlds ― The Bat­tle Begins
24623. (Igna­cio Martín-Navar­ro, et al) Anisotrop­ic Satel­lite Galaxy Quench­ing Modulated 
. . . . . by Super­mas­sive Black Hole Activ­i­ty [arti­cle]
24624. (Tom Wat­son) Stick Dog Chas­es a Pizza
24625. (Steven Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s Ear­ly His­to­ry] Kore­an Romance 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
24626. (Steven Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s Ear­ly His­to­ry] The Last Duel [arti­cle]
24627. (David Lubar) Dead Guy Spy


24598. (Steven Muhlberg­er) Intro­duc­tion to The Chron­i­cle of the Good Duke Louis II 
. . . . . of Bour­bon [pref­ace]
24599. (Jean Cabaret d’Orville) The Chron­i­cle of the Good Duke Louis II of Bourbon 
. . . . . [tr. Steven Muhlberg­er] [see also 26027, 26028]
24600. (Sila Tri­pati) Ancient Mar­itime Trade of the East­ern Indi­an Lit­toral [arti­cle]
24601. (Steven Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s Ear­ly His­to­ry] Time for a Papal
. . . . . Apol­o­gy ― Or Not [arti­cle]

24602. (Matthew Browne) George Eliot as a Poet [arti­cle]
24603. (George Eliot) Com­plete Poems [verse]
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24584. (Bri­an D. Fields, et al) Super­no­va Trig­ger for End-Devon­ian Extinc­tions [arti­cle]
24585. (Thom Hart­mann) The Hid­den His­to­ry of Amer­i­can Oligarchy
24586. (Mikheil Abramishvili) In Search of the Ori­gins of Met­al­lur­gy – An Overview of
. . . . . South Cau­casian Evi­dence [arti­cle]
24587. (Gio­van­ni Gugg) The Tow­er Is Burn­ing ― Real and Sym­bol­ic Vio­lence between
. . . . . Techno­pho­bics and Techn-rebels of 5G Tech­nol­o­gy dur­ing the COVID-19
. . . . . Pan­dem­ic [arti­cle]
24588. (David Alt­man) Check­ing Exec­u­tive Per­son­al­ism: Col­le­gial Gov­ern­ments and the
. . . . . Lev­el of Democ­ra­cy [arti­cle]

24589. (Sar­fraz Khan & Sajid Mah­mood Awan) Case Study of Irreg­u­lar Migra­tion from 
. . . . . Pak­istan to Europe: Reflec­tions on the Con­tem­po­rary Trends [arti­cle]
24590. (Jean-Paul Gagnon) Words of Democ­ra­cy: Res­cu­ing an Aban­doned Science
. . . . . [arti­cle]
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24531. (L. Frank Baum) The Won­der­ful Wiz­ard of Oz
24532. (Matthew Simon­ton) Clas­si­cal Greek Oligarchy
(Spike Mil­li­gan, et al) Spike Mil­li­gan ― A Cel­e­bra­tion [com­piled by Roger Sawyer]:
. . . . 24533. (Nor­ma Frances) Intro­duc­tion [pref­ace]
. . . . 24534. (Spike Mil­li­gan) The Singing Foot [sto­ry]
. . . . 24535. (Spike Mil­li­gan) Over­ture [film script excerpt]
. . . . 24536. (Spike Mil­li­gan) Terns; The Flea; The ABC [verse]
. . . . 24537. (Har­ry Sec­ombe) Sir Har­ry Sec­ombe, CBE [arti­cle]
. . . . 24538. (Spike Mil­li­gan, et al) Goon Show #254: The Call of the West [radio play]
. . . . 24539. (Spike Mil­li­gan) Puck­oon [sto­ry]
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24500. (Bran­don Stan­ton) Humans
24501. (Daniele Con­ver­si & Gor­ka Espi­au) Basque Peace Process [arti­cle]
24502. (Den­nis B. Blan­ton) Con­quis­ta­dor’s Wake ― Track­ing the Lega­cy of Her­nan­do De
. . . . . Soto in the Indige­nous Southeast
24503. (Louise A. Hitch­cock & Aren M. Maeir) Lost in Trans­la­tion: Urban­ism in Post-
. . . . . Pala­tial Crete, A View from the East [arti­cle]
24504. (Peter Z. Revesz) Minoan Archaeo­ge­net­ic Data Min­ing Reveals Danube Basin and
. . . . . West­ern Black Sea Lit­toral Ori­gin [arti­cle]
24505. (Joseph de Mar­li­ave) Beethoven’s Quartets
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24481. (Fran­cis­co J. Ayala & Cami­lo J. Cela-Conde) Process­es in Human Evolution
24482. (Alfre­do Mederos Martín) Mar­rue­cos entre los sig­los VI-II A.C. sus­tra­to fenicio,
. . . . . inter­ac­ción com­er­cial con Gadir y pres­en­cia Cartagi­ne­sa durante los Bárcidas
. . . . . [arti­cle]

24483. (Robert Hof­mann, et al) Gov­ern­ing Tripolye: Inte­gra­tive Archi­tec­ture in Tripolye 
. . . . . Set­tle­ments [arti­cle]
(David Edward Tabach­nick & Toi­vo Koivukos­ki ‑ed.) On Oli­garchy ― Ancient Lessons for . . . Glob­al Pol­i­tics:
. . . . 24484. (David Edward Tabach­nick & Toi­vo Koivukos­ki) Under­stand­ing Oligarchy 
. . . . . . . . . [pref­ace]
. . . . 24485. (Waller R. Newell) Oli­garchy and Oikono­mia: Aris­totle’s Ambivalent
. . . . . . . . . Assess­ment of Pri­vate Prop­er­ty [arti­cle]

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