24774. (Vaclav Smil) Enrich­ing the Earth ― Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch, and the 
. . . . . Trans­for­ma­tion of World Food Production 
24775. (Joseph Rosen­bloom) Per­fect Put-Downs and Instant Insults 
24776. (John N. Mik­sic) Ear­ly Burmese Urban­iza­tion: Research and Con­ser­va­tion [arti­cle]
24777. (Josi­ah Hen­son) The Life of Josi­ah Hen­son, For­mer­ly a Slave, Now an Inhabitant 
. . . . . of Cana­da, as Nar­rat­ed by Him­self [1849]
24778. (Mehmet Özdoğan) Mediter­ranean as a Supra-Region­al Inter­ac­tion Sphere During 
. . . . . Late Pre­his­to­ry: An Overview on Prob­lems and Prospects [arti­cle]
24779. (David Grae­ber & David Wen­grow) The Dawn of Every­thing ― A New His­to­ry of 
. . . . . Humanity
24780. (Arthur Kocher, et al) Ten Mil­len­nia of Hepati­tis B Virus Evolution
24781. (Mehmet Özdoğan) An Alter­na­tive Look at the Neolithi­sa­tion Process of Western 
. . . . . Ana­to­lia: From an Old Periph­ery to a New Core [arti­cle]
24782. (Mehmet Özdoğan)Early Farm­ers in North­west­ern Turkey: What Is New? [arti­cle]
24783. (Yvan Malig­orne) Entre com­péti­tion mon­u­men­tale et respect de normes: la 
. . . . . con­tri­bu­tion du décor archi­tec­tonique à l’im­age urbaine de Doug­ga à l’époque 
. . . . . Impéri­ale [arti­cle]
24784. (Joel E. Dims­dale) Dark Per­sua­sion ― A His­to­ry of Brain­wash­ing from Pavlov to 
. . . . . Social Media
24785. (Robar­tus J. van der Spek, et al) Mon­ey, Sil­ver and Trust in Mesopotamia [arti­cle]
24786. (Ben­jamin Isakhan) Civ­il Soci­ety in Hybrid Regimes: Trade Union Activism in 
. . . . . Post-2003 Iraq [arti­cle]

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