24943. (Chris Loen­dorf, et al) East­ern Puebloans on the Mid­dle Gila Riv­er: The Middle 
. . . . . Rio Grande Dias­po­ra and Peri­od­ic Changes in Cul­tur­al Tra­di­tions [arti­cle]
24944. (Steven A. Cook) False Dawn: Protest, Democ­ra­cy, and Vio­lence in the New 
. . . . . Mid­dle East
24945. (Natalia Bichu­ri­na & James Cos­ta) Nom­mer pour faire exis­ter: l’épineuse
. . . . . ques­tion de l’oc [arti­cle]
24946. (Eleanor Brock­ett) Per­sian Fairy Tales [ill. Har­ry Toothill]
24947. (Adam B. Rohrlach, et al) Using Y‑chromosome Cap­ture Enrich­ment to Resolve 
. . . . . Hap­logroup H2 Shows New Evi­dence for a Two-path Neolith­ic Expansion 
. . . . . to West­ern Europe [arti­cle]
24948. (Nile Green) The Sur­vival of Zoroas­tri­an­ism in Yazd [arti­cle]
24949. (Elwin W. Midgett) An Account­ing Primer
24950. (William Shurtl­eff & Akiko Aoy­a­gi) The Book of Tofu ― Food for Mankind
24951. (Tom­my Tse, Vic­tor Shin & Ling Tung Tsang) From Shanzhai Chic to Gangnam 
. . . . . Style: Sev­en Prac­tices of Cul­tur­al-Eco­nom­ic Medi­a­tion in Chi­na and Korea 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
24952. (Kevin G. Hata­la, David A. Per­ry & Stephen M. Gatesy) A Bipla­nar X‑ray Approach 
. . . . . for Study­ing the 3D Dynam­ics of Human Track For­ma­tion [arti­cle]
24953. (Randy Bach­man) Randy Bach­man’s Vinyl Tap Stories
24954. (Karen S. Rubin­son) The Context{ualization} of Art in Non-Lit­er­ate Societies: 
. . . . . Armen­ian Mid­dle Bronze Age Images and Ani­mal Bones [arti­cle]
24955. (John Holt) Free­dom & Beyond
24956. (P. M. N. Hitch­ings, et al) A Baysian Approach to Archae­o­log­i­cal Sur­vey in 
. . . . . North-west Jor­dan [arti­cle]
24957. (Richard J. Need­ham) The Hypo­der­mic Needham

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