Star Trek (Abrams 2009)

I saw the new Trek opus with artist Taral Wayne, in a the­atre filled, for some rea­son, with Rus­sians, who laughed and cheered when­ev­er the char­ac­ter Chekov spoke. I lat­er learned from a Russ­ki friend that the actor, Anton Yelchin, though him­self a born Russ­ian, was giv­ing the char­ac­ter a broad Pol­ish accent! I was actu­al­ly rather pleased with the film, which man­aged to strike a bal­ance between pro­vid­ing some­thing new and remain­ing with­in the Sacred Canon, and though the plot and events were ludi­crous­ly implau­si­ble, the humour and enthu­si­asm with which the actors por­trayed their roles made one for­get it. An alter­nate time-line gave license for the devi­a­tions from the back-his­to­ry implied in the pre­vi­ous films. Leonard Nimoy per­formed with remark­able dignity.

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