Burial ― elegant dubstep

I only feel the urge to lis­ten to dub­step occa­sion­al­ly. A lot of the stuff out there seems to be assem­bled from instruc­tions, like Ikea fur­ni­ture “lock­step” some­time seems a more appro­pri­ate genre name. Nobody can say that about the two albums by Bur­ial (aka William Bevin): Bur­ial (2006) and Untrue (2007). The rythms don’t feel math­e­mat­i­cal­ly locked in. They have a lit­tle bit of wig­gle room. While I pre­fer Untrue, of the two, either one would be suit­able to demon­strate to a doubter that dub­step can be emo­tion­al­ly satisfying.

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