(Green & Siegel 2003) The Weather Underground

I’m far too irri­tat­ed by this sil­ly doc­u­men­tary to ana­lyze it dis­pas­sion­ate­ly. It fool­ish­ly roman­ti­cizes the Weath­er Under­ground. Those pompous, arro­gant ass­holes were typ­i­cal exam­ples of spoiled-brat rich kids align­ing them­selves with evil and mas­querad­ing as “oppo­nents” of the Viet­nam War. These were NOT rad­i­cals in any sense. Their ide­ol­o­gy was ultra-ortho­dox, ultra-con­ser­v­a­tive, pro-slav­ery, and total­i­tar­i­an. Today, part­ly because of the activ­i­ties of these fake “rev­o­lu­tion­ar­ies”, the tru­ly evil nature of the Viet­nam War has been suc­cess­ful­ly obfus­cat­ed by its per­pe­tra­tors. These clowns were NOT the oppo­si­tion to that evil war. Far from it. As the six­ties say­ing went, you are either part of the prob­lem or you’re part of the solu­tion. Hyp­o­crit­i­cal poseurs like the Weath­er­men were part of the prob­lem. They should be firm­ly clas­si­fied where they belong: sym­bi­ot­ic part­ners with the mon­sters who pro­mot­ed and exe­cut­ed the Viet­nam War. Mean­while, all the courage of the gen­uine oppo­nents of the war has been for­got­ten. Let us hear no more non­sense about these pho­ny creeps.

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