14851. (Stanley Elkin) The Living End

Stanley Elkin

Stan­ley Elkin

Stan­ley Elkin was nev­er exact­ly pop­u­lar, but his dark tra­gi-com­ic fan­tasies appealed to an off-beat minor­ity. The Liv­ing End, writ­ten in 1979, is still very read­able, though hard to describe. It man­ages to include a jour­ney through heav­en and hell where there real­ly are pearly gates, and you are real­ly damned to eter­nal tor­ment because you took the Lord’s name in vein, and a war between Min­neapo­lis and St. Paul [“Let me tell you some­thing, gen­tle­men. A St. Paul baby ain’t got no busi­ness on the point of a Min­neapo­lis bay­o­net.”] Elkin’s twist­ed humour is not for every­one. Does any­one read him, nowa­days? So many inter­est­ing and unique writ­ers end up lost in the shuf­fle of time.

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