Wednesday, September 27, 2006 — Musharaff Drivel

Pak­istani dic­ta­tor Per­vez Mushar­raf revealed, in an inter­view with the CBC (Cana­di­an Broad­cast­ing Corp.) exact­ly how the lead­er­ship of the Grand Alliance Against Ter­ror­ism sees Canada’s role. With some insult­ing­ly snide put-downs, he dis­missed any con­cern in Cana­da about casu­al­ties in Afghanistan as cry-baby weakness.

Cana­di­ans, when lis­ten­ing to this boor­ish dri­v­el, should remem­ber exact­ly what Per­vez Mushar­raf is: he is not the demo­c­ra­t­i­cal­ly elect­ed leader of any­thing. He is a mur­der­ous gang­ster, who seized con­trol of a coun­try in a mil­i­tary coup. His regime is bru­tal, cor­rupt, and oppres­sive, espe­cial­ly towards women, for whom he has often demon­strat­ed his con­tempt. He is a long-time sup­port­er of the Tal­iban,. who has set up a smoke-and-mir­rors show of pho­ny “war-on-ter­ror” hokum, while it is almost cer­tain that he is cur­rent­ly pro­tect­ing the Tal­iban and Al-Kai­da .… per­haps even arm­ing, train­ing and sup­ply­ing them again. He is also in poses­sion of nuclear weapons, acquired large­ly through a net­work of espi­onage and theft.

Prime Min­is­ter Harp­er, are you lis­ten­ing? This man, who obvi­ous­ly con­sid­ers Cana­di­ans to be mere dis­pos­able peas­ants, is the man that you have been telling us is a great and noble ally. Musharaff’s arro­gant con­tempt for Cana­da and Cana­di­ans is self-evi­dent. You want Cana­di­ans to risk their lives, and die, not for free­dom, or peace, or to pro­tect the inno­cent, but for sick­en­ing scum like this dictator.

Canada’s orig­i­nal mis­sion in Afghanistan was to secure lib­er­at­ed zones, pro­tect ordi­nary Afghans, and help them recon­struct a war-torn and pil­laged soci­ety. That is what Cana­di­ans expect­ed our forces to do. It is Prime Min­is­ter Harp­er who has dis­tort­ed and sub­vert­ed that mis­sion so that Cana­di­an sol­diers will act as mer­ce­nar­ies for George W. Bush, in a per­pet­u­al cam­paign of war­fare that is rigged to nev­er accom­plish any­thing and nev­er end. It can­not suc­ceed or end, because the forces it fights in Afghanistan are safe and pro­tect­ed by Mushar­raf in Pakistan’s north-west­ern region. The only result will be that Cana­da will spend mon­ey, and Cana­di­ans will die. Nobody will be bet­ter off, no bad peo­ple will be pun­ished, no good peo­ple saved. The only peo­ple who will ben­e­fit will be George W. Bush’s gang of cronies, and ver­min like Mushar­raf, both of whom have clear­ly demon­strat­ed that they con­sid­er us to be their serfs.

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