Bombay Bicycle Club

Bombay Bycicle Club

The first I heard of Bom­bay Bicy­cle Club was the song “How Can You Swal­low So Much Sleep?” from their third album A Dif­fer­ent Kind of Fix (2011), which got some play here in Cana­da. But oth­er songs I heard, from an ear­li­er album, didn’t sound very sim­i­lar, and I didn’t con­nect them in my head until, search­ing for the EP ver­sion of “How Can You…”, I acquired all three of their albums. We are in an age in which musi­cians are much less trib­al than they used to be. The bands that make the strongest impres­sion today tend to be eclec­tic, draw­ing on many sources for their style, and chang­ing their style as the mood suits them. They can­not eas­i­ly be clas­si­fied. This Lon­don band exem­pli­fies the trend. A Dif­fer­ent Kind of Fix is elec­tro-pop, with a thick, lay­ered sound, while Flaws (2010) is most­ly acoustic stuff that sounds rough and impromp­tu, is clear­ly folk-inspired, and would play well to an audi­ence of Joni Mitchell fans. Their debut album, I Had the Blues But I Shook Them Loose (2009), was more or less con­ven­tion­al Indie-rock in form, but already showed a very high lev­el of musi­cian­ship. “Evening/Morning”, “Always Like This”, and “Dust on the Ground” are songs that stand out on this first album, which has come to be my favourite of the three, as it has a mood and style that reminds me of ear­ly Kinks mate­r­i­al, and this suits my tem­pera­ment more than the lush sound of the third album. But all three albums reward listening.

Jack Stead­man (vocals, gui­tar, key­board) is the main cre­ative force of the band, as the com­pos­er, but he obvi­ous­ly has a very close sym­bio­sis with Jamie Mac­Coll (gui­tar), Suren de Saram (drums) and Ed Nash (bass). This is the kind of band that gels from sol­id teenage friend­ships rather than stu­dio match-mak­ing. I par­tic­u­lar­ly like Suren de Saram’s per­cus­sion, which is first rate, but not over­bear­ing or flashy. There is a clas­si­cal dis­ci­pline in this band — they may be young, but they are not naïve. These chaps know a lot of music and are accom­plished pros.

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