21138. (Robert Graves) Count Belisarius
21139. (Adam Nicky) Trea­sure Hunters Ruin­ing Jordan’s Arti­facts [arti­cle]
21140. (Olav Eike­land) Why Should Main­stream Social Researchers Be Inter­est­ed in Action
. . . . . Research? [arti­cle]
21141. (Soraj Hongladarom) Organ Trans­plan­ta­tion and Death Cri­te­ria: Ther­ava­da Buddhist
. . . . . Per­spec­tive and Thai Cul­tur­al Atti­tude [arti­cle]
21142. (Paul Mon­ette) Nos­fer­atu [sto­ry]
21143. (Gary R. Varn­er) Mag­ic, Witch­craft, Pagans & Chris­tians — A Study in the Suppression
. . . . . of Belief and the Rise of Christianity
21144. (Mika Lopo­nen) Intro­duc­tion to Faerie Folk­lore in Medieval Tales [pref­ace]
21145. (Mika Lopo­nen) Trans­lat­ing Irre­alia [arti­cle]
21146. (Jayson Harsin) “The French Democ­ra­cy”: Map­ping Promise and Lim­i­ta­tion of Global
. . . . . Dig­i­tal Protest [arti­cle]
21147. (Zul­fiqar Shah) Fed­er­al­ism in Pak­istan [arti­cle]
21148. (Alex­ei Pan­shin) L. Ron Hub­bard: Sci­ence Fic­tion Giant? [arti­cle]
21149. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­ers’ World His­to­ry] Why the Mid­dle Ages Are
. . . . . Impor­tant [arti­cle]
21150. (Anto­nia Thomas & Daniel Lee) Orkney’s First Farm­ers: Ear­ly Neolith­ic Set­tle­ment on
. . . . . Wyre [arti­cle]
21151. (Zul­fiqar Shah) Devel­op­ments in Sindh in Face of Grow­ing Tal­iban­i­sa­tion in Pakistan
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21152. (Zul­fiqar Shah) Sav­ing South Asia: Impact of Cli­mate Change [arti­cle]
21153. (Soraj Hongladarom) Lan­guage, Real­i­ty, Empti­ness, Laughs [arti­cle]
21154. (Olav Eikelund) Beyond the Oikos-Pólis Divide: His­toric Trans­for­ma­tions of the
. . . . . Pri­vate-Pub­lic Rela­tion­ship, and Cur­rent Work-Life Rela­tion­ships [arti­cle]
21155. (Jayson Harsin) The Lost His­to­ries of Amer­i­can Eco­nom­ic Rights [arti­cle]
21156. (Geneviève Pigeon) Cri­tique de Le dieu cel­tique Lugus par Gael Hily [review]
21157. (Jen­na) [in blog Ness of Brodgar Exca­va­tions] View from the Trench­es [arti­cle]
21158. (Silke Reeploeg) What’s in a bøst? A Pandora’s box from Nor­way [arti­cle]
21159. (Silke Reeploeg) Skalanes inspires … reflec­tions on a vis­it to East­ern Ice­land [arti­cle]
21160. (Geneviève Pigeon) De la nature mythologique du Roi Arthur [arti­cle]
21161. (Kori Schake) Vlad the Impaler [arti­cle]
21162. (Elias Groll) Snowden’s But­ter­fly Effect [arti­cle]
(James Gunn) Sta­tion in Space:
. . . . 21163. (James Gunn) The Cave of Night [sto­ry]
. . . . 21164. (James Gunn) Hoax [sto­ry]
. . . . 21165. (James Gunn) The Big Wheel [sto­ry]
. . . . 21166. (James Gunn) Pow­der Keg [sto­ry]
. . . . 21167. (James Gunn) Space Is a Lone­ly Place [sto­ry]
21168. (C. L. Pirkis) The Ghost of Foun­tain Lane [sto­ry]
21169. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­ers’ World His­to­ry] What Is the Point of the
. . . . . Com­bat of the Thir­ty ? [arti­cle]
21170. (Pierre Cloarec) On Some Anti-Egal­i­tar­i­an Claims [arti­cle]
21171. (Scott Bar­ry Kauf­man) Ungift­ed — Intel­li­gence Redefined
21172. (Issan­dr El Amrani) It Only Gets Worse From Here [arti­cle]
21173. (Soraj Hongladarom) Eth­i­cal Impli­ca­tions of Autonomous Robots [arti­cle]
21174. (Bela Lugosi) The Bat [sto­ry]
21175. (Alan Moore) 25,000 Years of Erot­ic Freedom
21176. (Richard Bel­lamy) Democ­ra­cy, Com­pro­mise and the Rep­re­sen­ta­tion Para­dox: Coalition
. . . . . Gov­ern­ment and Polit­i­cal Integri­ty [arti­cle]
21177. (Nico­las Teyssandi­er) En route vers l’ouest? Les débuts de l’Aurignacien en Europe
. . . . . cen­trale et dans les Balka­ns [arti­cle]
21178. (Christo­pher P. Atwood) Huns and Xiōngnú: New Thoughts on an Old Prob­lem [arti­cle]
21179. (Zul­fiqar Shah) Alter­na­tive Per­spec­tive on Afghanistan Endgame [arti­cle]
21180. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­ers’ World His­to­ry] Cana­da As Bad Example
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21181. (Ari Phillips) How Cli­mate Change Became a Major Fac­tor in Australia’s Upcoming
. . . . . Elec­tion [arti­cle]
21182. (Ges­tur Hov­gaard & John Ander­sen) Wel­fare and Urban Plan­ning in Tran­si­tion — A
. . . . . Copen­hagen Case Study
21183. (Alex­is Michaud) Pic­tographs and the Lan­guage of Naxi Rit­u­als [arti­cle]
21184. (Andrea Bau­con et al) Prin­ci­ples of Ich­noar­chae­ol­o­gy: New Fron­tiers for Study­ing Past
. . . . . Times [arti­cle]
21185. (Fred­erik Ped­er­sen) A Medieval Wel­fare State? Wel­fare Pro­vi­sion in a Twelfth-century
. . . . . Ice­landic Law Code [arti­cle]
21186. (Will Tat­ters­dill) Ques­tion­ing Cat­e­gories of Sci­ence and Fic­tion in Fin de Siècle
. . . . . Mag­a­zines [arti­cle]
21187. (Ta-Nehisi Coates) How I Met Your Moth­er [arti­cle]
21188. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­ers’ World His­to­ry] Bouci­caut the Younger,
. . . . . Anoth­er Medieval Nut Case [arti­cle]
21189. (Peter Tremayne) Son of Drac­u­la [sto­ry]
21190. (Simon A. Parfitt et al) The Ear­li­est Record of Human Activ­i­ty in North­ern Europe
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21191. (Jón Ólaf­s­son) The Pro­pa­gan­dist Revis­its Him­self: Lax­ness about Lax­ness in the Soviet
. . . . . Union [arti­cle]
21192. (Soraj Hongladarom) Cross-cul­tur­al Epis­temic Prac­tices [arti­cle]
21193. (Ben­jamin Isakhan) The Com­plex and Con­test­ed His­to­ry of Democ­ra­cy [pref­ace to The
. . . . . Edin­burgh Com­pan­ion to the His­to­ry of Democ­ra­cy]
21194. (Paul Gar­wood) The Med­way Val­ley Pre­his­toric Land­scapes Project [arti­cle]
21195. (Yitzhak Paz et al) A Sub­merged Mon­u­men­tal Struc­ture in the Sea of Galilee [arti­cle]
21196. (Anto­nia Thomas, Nick Card, Roy Love­day, Hugo Ander­son-Why­mark) Chiselling
. . . . . Marks at Maes Howe [arti­cle]
21197. (Val Moore) The Mound­builders Study Tour, 2012 [arti­cle]
21198. (Rick Petersen) New Laund Enclo­sure: A New­ly Dis­cov­ered Pre­his­toric Site at
. . . . . Whitewell, For­est of Bow­land, Lan­cashire [arti­cle]
21199. (Olivia Lelong) Lang­well Farm, Strath Oykel [arti­cle]
21200. (Dun­can Schlee) Exca­va­tions of a Bronze Age Round Bar­row at Tal­sarn, Ceredigion
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21201. (Chris­t­ian Reb­han) Iceland’s Post­colo­nial Dis­course on Inde­pen­dence after
. . . . . the Finan­cial Cri­sis: Reluc­tant Inte­gra­tionists No More? [arti­cle]
21202. (Silke Reeploeg) The Utter­most Part of the Earth: Islands on the Edge.. and in the
. . . . . Cen­tre of the North Atlantic [arti­cle]
21203. (Ade­mo­la Kazeem Faye­mi) Towards an African The­o­ry of Democ­ra­cy [arti­cle]
21204. (Deb­o­ra Scate­na) Free­dom of Speech in Berlin: Past and Present [arti­cle]
21205. (Robin J. Hen­nessy & Chris B. Stringer) Geo­met­ric Mor­pho­me­t­ric Study of the
. . . . . Region­al Vari­a­tion of Mod­ern Human Cran­io­fa­cial Form [arti­cle]
21206. (Max Vel­mans) How to Define Con­scious­ness — And How Not to Define
. . . . . Con­scious­ness [arti­cle]
21207. (Tomas Lars­son) Reform, Cor­rup­tion, and Growth: Why Cor­rup­tion Is More
. . . . . Dev­as­tat­ing in Rus­sia than in Chi­na [arti­cle]
21208. (Mar­cus Brit­tain) Lay­ers of Life and Death: Aspects of Mon­u­men­tal­i­ty in the Early
. . . . . Bronze Age of Wales [arti­cle]
21209. (Wilkie Collins) Who Killed Zebedee? [sto­ry]
21210. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­ers’ World His­to­ry] Deed of the Red Knight
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21211. (José Rober­to R. Afon­so & Luiz de Mel­lo) Brazil: An Evolv­ing Fed­er­a­tion [arti­cle]
21212. (Adam Gaudry) Reclaim­ing Red Riv­er [the­sis]
21213. (James Blinkhorn) The Gate­way of India: Archae­o­log­i­cal Recon­nais­sance at Sambhar
. . . . . Lake [arti­cle]
21214. (Alex Dou­glas Brown) Pollen analy­sis and Plant­ed Ancient Wood­land Restoration
. . . . . Strate­gies: A Case Study from the Went­wood, South­east Wales, UK [arti­cle]
21215. (K. R. Nemet-Nejat) Review of Archa­ic Book­keep­ing: Writ­ing and Tech­niques of
. . . . . Eco­nom­ic Admin­is­tra­tion in the Ancient Near East by Hans J. Nis­sen, Peter Damerow
. . . . . and Robert K. Englund [review]
21216. (Richard Bel­lamy & Dario Cas­tiglione) The Nor­ma­tive Turn in Euro­pean Union
. . . . . Stud­ies: Legit­i­ma­cy, Iden­ti­ty and Democ­ra­cy [arti­cle]
21217. (Nico­la Grif­fith) Amonite
21218. (Grant Allen) The Great Ruby Rob­bery [sto­ry]

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