(1900) Sher­lock Holmes Baffled
(Kostan­s­ki 2011) Manborg
(Groen­ing & San­doval 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.106 ― Fun on a Bun
(Krish­na DK & Nidi­moru 2013) Go Goa Gone
(Atten­bor­ough 1977) A Bridge Too Far
(Med­ford 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.5 ― Into Thin Air
(Hugh­es & Hod­son 1984) Chocky, Part 1
(Ptushko 1959) The Day the Earth Froze [re-edit­ed Sam­po] [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Addiss 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.6 ― Salvage
(1934) The Men­ace of Guatamala
(2012) 38 Years of Mag­ic and B.S.: A Con­ver­sa­tion with Penn & Teller
(Rose 1954) Tar­get Earth
(DeGae­tano 1974) UFO: Tar­get Earth
(Hitch­cock 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.7 ― Breakdown
(New­field 1946) The Fly­ing Serpent
(Webb 1935) The Live Wire
(Tait 1906) The Sto­ry of the Kel­ly Gang
(Grif­fith 1910) The Oath and the Man
(Grif­fith 1911) Swords and Hearts
(Groen­ing & Muzquiz 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.107 ― Free Will Hunting
(Hugh­es & Hod­son 1984) Chocky, Part 2
(Hugh­es & Hod­son 1984) Chocky, Part 3
(Fowler Jr. 1957) I Was a Teenage Were­wolf [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Stevens 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.8 ― Our Cook’s a Treasure
(Rob­son 1958) The Inn of the Sixth Happiness
(Win­ters & Sund­strom 1988) Space Mutiny
(Muir­d­en 1981) The Erup­tion of Mt. St. Helens
(Hon­da 1962) Gorath [妖星ゴラス; Yosei Gorasu]
(Hugh­es & Hod­son 1984) Chocky, Part 4
(Hugh­es & Hod­son 1984) Chocky, Part 5
(Hugh­es & Hod­son 1984) Chocky, Part 6
(Elvey 1935) Transat­lantic Tunnel
(Bous­man 2012) The Barrens
(Lin­der 1912) Max reprend sa lib­erté [Trou­bles of a Grass Widower]
(Steven­son 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.9 ― The Long Shot
(Groen­ing & Kramer 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.108 ― Near-Death Wish
(Well­man 1953) Island in the Sky
(Grif­fith 1910) An Arca­di­an Maid
(Morse 1964) Flip­per: Ep.1 ― 300 Feet Below
(Elvey 1921) The Devil’s Foot [Adven­tures of Sher­lock Holmes series]
(Gor­don 1957) The Begin­ning of the End [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Hitch­cock 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.10 ― The Case of Mr. Pelham
(Steven­son 1971) Bed­knobs and Broomsticks
(Ben­son 1964) Flip­per Ep.2 ― The Red Hot Car
(King 1936) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Bar­ber of Fleet Street
(Zens 1964) The Starfight­ers [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Ben­son 1965) Flip­per: Ep.3 ― SOS Dolphin
(Hayes 1925) Stick Around [aka The Paper Hang­er’s Helper]
(Fish­er 1957) The Curse of Frankenstein
(West 2003) Flesh of the Beast
(Morse 1964) Flip­per Ep.4 ― The Gulf Between
(Maki­no 1921) Jiraiya the Hero [豪傑児雷也; Gōket­su Jiraiya]
(Neilan 1918) Stel­la Maris
(Buck & Lima 1999) The Tal­ent­ed Mr. Ripley
(Cur­tiz 1933) Mys­tery of the Wax Museum
(Stevens 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.11 ― Guilty Witness
(Barmet­tler 1990) Time Barbarians
(Yuasa 1965) Gam­era [大怪獣ガメラ; Daikai­jū Gam­era] [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Smith 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.61 ― Blood Wedding
(Grif­fith 1912) The Girl and Her Trust
(USAF 1954) Let’s Face It [Civ­il Defense film]
(Spiel­berg 1977) Close Encoun­ters of the Third Kind
(Wilder 1954) The Snow Creature
(Groen­ing & Fong 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.110 ― 31st Cen­tu­ry Fox
(Elliott & Lewis 2005) Cru­sades: Cres­cent & the Cross: Part 1― The First Crusade
(New­field 1945) White Pongo
(Groen­ing & Mar­i­on 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.109 ― Viva Mars Vegas
(Weis 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.12 ― San­ta Claus and the 10th Avenue Kid
(Lucas 1977) Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope [1997 re-release version]
(Tevos & Ormond 1953) Mesa of Lost Women
(Groen­ing & Ches­ney-Thomp­son 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.111 ― Naturama
(Shya­malan 2013) After Earth
(Howard & Schae­fer 1936) The Lost Jungle
(Con­nor 1975) The Land That Time Forgot
(Stevens 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.13 ― The Cheney Vase
(Donen 1966) Arabesque
(Miller 1990) The Nev­erEnd­ing Sto­ry 2: The Next Chapter
(Ker­sh­n­er 1980) Empire Strikes Back, The [aka Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back]
(Gen­tilo­mo 1964) Her­cules Against the Moon Man [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Addis 1956) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.14 ― A Bul­let for Baldwin
(McKim­son 1946) Acro­bat­ty Bun­ny [Looney Tunes; Bugs Bun­ny #44]
(Berke 1958) The Lost Missile
(Bernds 1958) Queen of Out­er Space
(Jones 1993) Leprechaun
(Avanzi­no 2009) Futu­ra­ma: Into the Wild Green Yonder
(Cor­man 1957) The Undead [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Sloane 1930) Half Shot at Sunrise
(New­field 1950) Radar Secret Ser­vice [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Weis 1956) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.15 ― The Big Switch
(Green 1962) The Brain That Wouldn’t Die [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Stevens 1956) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.16 ― You Got to Have Luck
(Mark­er 1963) The Yes­ter­day Machine
(Stevens 1956) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.17 ― The Old­er Sister
(Stevens 1956) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.18 ― Shop­ping for Death
(Mar­quand 1983) Return of the Jedai [aka Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi]
(Zee­vi 2011) Hitler’s Children
(Hough 1975) Escape to Witch Mountain
(Yuasa 1970) Gam­era vs. Guiron [Attack of the Mon­sters] [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Ada­to 2010) Paris: The Lumi­nous Years
(Owen 1963) The Wrong Arm of the Law
(Pay­low 1962) Ring of Ter­ror [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Steven­son 1956) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.19 ― The Derelicts
(Steven­son 1956) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.20 ― And So Died Riaboushinska
(Aldrich 1962) Sodom and Gomorrah

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