21960. [7] (Edgar Pang­born) A Mir­ror for Observers
21961. (Mikhail Vasi­lye­vich Lomonosov) An Evening Reflec­tion Upon God’s Grandeur
. . . . . Prompt­ed by the Great North­ern Lights [Вечернее размышление о божием
. . . . . величестве при случае великаго северного сияния] (poem)
21962. (Mikhail Zoshchenko) Hon­est Cit­i­zen [sto­ry]
21963. (Bri­an M. Sta­ble­ford) Jour­ney to the Center
21964. (Anon. c. 1300) Ómag­yar Mária-sir­alom [Lamen­ta­tions of Mary]
21965. (Geof­frey Grig­son) Eng­lish Paint­ing from Blake to Byron [arti­cle]
21966. (Dean R. Koontz) The Flesh in the Furnace
21967. (John Dry­den) The Medal [poem]
21968. (Han­nah Ewens) This Kid Made an APP that Expos­es Sell­out Politi­cians [arti­cle]
21969. (Abhik Gup­ta) Cul­tur­al Diver­si­ty-Bio­di­ver­si­ty-Tra­di­tion­al Med­i­cine Link­ages in India:
. . . . . An Ecoeth­i­cal Impact Analy­sis [arti­cle]
21970. (Soraj Hongladarom) Bud­dhism and Intel­lec­tu­al Prop­er­ty Rights: The Role of
. . . . . Com­pas­sion [arti­cle]
21971. (Kate Bran­nen) The Pentagon’s $399 Bil­lion Plane to Nowhere [arti­cle]
21972. (Jan Michał Bur­dukiewicz) The Last Ice Age and Set­tle­ment Break in the North­ern Part
. . . . . of Cen­tral Europe [arti­cle]
21973. (Thomas Fis­chbach & Hélène Bar­rand-Emam) Une cein­ture à gar­ni­tures mul­ti­ples en
. . . . . fer damasquiné décou­verte dans la sépul­ture d’un mem­bre de l’aristocratie
. . . . . mérovingi­en­ne à Artzen­heim, Haut-Rhin, France [arti­cle]
21974. (Bert Groe­newoudt) Char­coal Burn­ing and Land­scape Dynam­ics in the Ear­ly Medieval
. . . . . Nether­lands [arti­cle]
21974. (D. M. Wag­n­er et al) Yesrinia pestis and the Plague of Jus­tin­ian 541–543 A.D.:
. . . . . A Genom­ic Analy­sis [arti­cle]
21975. (Lau­rie Gar­rett) It’s 10 o’Clock — Do You Know Where Your Bubon­ic Plague Is?
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21976. (Ale­jo Car­pen­tier) The Lost Steps [Los Pasos Per­di­dos; tr. — Har­ri­et de Onís]
21977. (William B. Will­cox) The Age of Aris­toc­ra­cy, 1688 to 1830
21978. (Arthur Conan Doyle) The Lost Spe­cial [sto­ry]
21979. (Susan Coop­er) Over Sea, Under Stone
21980. (Yann Mar­tel) We Ate the Chil­dren Last [sto­ry]
21981. (James McIn­tyre) The Poems of James McIn­tyre [verse]
21982. (Tom Wolfe) The Elec­tric Kool-Aid Acid Test
21983. (Shigeru Miya­gawa et al) The Inte­gra­tion Hypoth­e­sis of Human Lan­guage Evolution
. . . . . and the Nature of Con­tem­po­rary Lan­guages [arti­cle]
21984. [2] (Susan Coop­er) The Dark Is Rising
21985. (William Cook) Kant’s Notion of “Genius” in Art [arrti­cle]
21986. (Juli­ette Wade) Sute­ta Mono de wa Nai [Not Eas­i­ly Thrown Away] [sto­ry]
21987. (John Dry­den) Pro­logue to the Duchess On Her Return from Scot­land [poem]
21988. (John Dry­den) The Sec­ond Part of Absa­lom and Achi­tophel [poem]
21989. (Gary M. Fein­man) Demog­ra­phy, Sur­plus, and Inequal­i­ty: Ear­ly Polit­i­cal For­ma­tions in
. . . . . High­land Mesoamer­i­ca [arti­cle]
21990. (Greg Bear) Strength of Stones
21991. (Sylvia Pankhurst) The Suf­fragette Move­ment, An Inti­mate Account of Per­sons and
. . . . . Ideals
21992. (Tracey Cullen, Lau­ren Talalay & Žarko Tankosić) The Emerg­ing Pre­his­to­ry of
. . . . . South­ern Euboea [arti­cle]
21993. (Leo Bruce) Dead Man’s Shoes

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