22364. [3] (H. G. Wells) The Time Machine
22365. (H. G. Wells) The Chron­ic Arg­onauts [sto­ry]
22366. (Mark McCor­ma­ck) The Declin­ing Sig­nif­i­cance of Homo­pho­bia — How Teenage
. . . . . Boys are Redefin­ing Mas­culin­i­ty and Heterosexuality
22367. (W. W. Jacobs) The Well [sto­ry]
22368. (Mehmet Özdoğan) Recon­sid­er­ing the Late Neolith­ic Peri­od in South­east­ern Turkey:
. . . . . A Region­al Per­spec­tive [arti­cle]
22369. (Vong Sot­heara) The Role of Khmer Monks dur­ing 16th-19th Cen­turies [arti­cle]
22370. (Israel Zang­will) Cheat­ing the Gal­lows [sto­ry]
22371. (C. J. Arnold) An Archae­ol­o­gy of the Ear­ly Anglo-Sax­on Kingdoms
22372. [4] (Walt Whit­man) Song of Myself: The Text from the First Edi­tion of Leaves of Grass,
. . . . . 1855 [poem]
22373. (Rud­yard Kipling) The Return of Imray [sto­ry]
22374. (Johan­na Jans­son & Bene­dict Alexan­der) Laser­skan­ning från flyg och forn­lämningar i
. . . . . skog [arti­cle]
22375. (C. N. Reel­er, N. Y. Al-Shaikh & D. T. Potts) An His­tor­i­cal Car­to­graph­ic Study of the
. . . . . Yabrīn Oasis, Sau­di Ara­bia [arti­cle]
22376. (Cecelia Lut­trell & Sit­na Quiroz) Under­stand­ing and Oper­a­tional­is­ing Empowerment
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22377. (Kurt Siod­mak) Donovan’s Brain
22378. (J. van der Plicht, W. A. B. van der Sanden, et al) Dat­ing Bog Bod­ies by Means of
. . . . . 14C-AMS [arti­cle]
22379. (Mark Bould) On the Bound­ary between One­self and the Oth­er: Aliens and Language
. . . . . in the Films AVP, Dark City, The Broth­er from Anoth­er Plan­et, and Pos­si­ble Worlds
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22380. (Amereswar Gal­la) Bench­mark­ing Diver­si­ty in Muse­ums [arti­cle]
22381. (Philip Clarke) Where the Ances­tors Walked — Aus­tralia as an Abo­rig­i­nal Landscape
22382. (Iva Chirpan­lie­va) La récep­tion des pro­duits grecs en milieu phéni­cien en
. . . . . Méditer­ranée ori­en­tale à l’âge du Fer d’après la doc­u­men­ta­tion archéologique du site
. . . . . Kition à Chypre [arti­cle (mmp)]
22383. (Bian­ca Dahl) Beyond the Blame Par­a­digm: Rethink­ing Witch­craft Gos­sip and Stigma
. . . . . around HIV-Pos­i­tive Chil­dren in South­east­ern Botswana [arti­cle]
22384. (Edgar Wal­lace) The Trea­sure Hunt [sto­ry]
22385. (Olu­mide Abim­bo­la) Devel­op­ment and the African Cul­ture [arti­cle]
22386. (M. J. Dwyer & K. V. Istomin) The­o­ries of Nomadic Move­ment: A New Theoretical
. . . . . Approach for Under­stand­ing the Move­ment Deci­sions of Nenets and Komi Reindeer
. . . . . Herders [arti­cle]
22387. (Tom de Castel­la) William Gillette: Five Ways He Trans­formed How Sher­lock Holmes
. . . . . Looks and Talks [arti­cle]
22388. (Mal­lo­ry Ort­berg) Ayn Rand Reviews Children’s Movies [arti­cle]
22389. (Kirsten A. Seaver) The Frozen Echo — Green­land and the Explo­ration of North
. . . . . Amer­i­ca ca A.D. 1000–1500
22390. (Mark K. Dwyer & Kir­ill Istomin) Komi Rein­deer Herd­ing: The Effects of Socialist
. . . . . and Post-Social­ist Change on Mobil­i­ty and Land Use [arti­cle]

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