22391. (Jacques Futrelle) The Prob­lem of Cell 13 [sto­ry]
22392. (Andrew Armitage) Com­par­ing the Pol­i­cy of Abo­rig­i­nal Assim­i­la­tion: Australia,
. . . . . Cana­da, and New Zealand
22393. (Jean-Paul Gagnon) Democ­ra­cy and The­o­ret­i­cal Physics [arti­cle]
22394. (Natalia Loukache­va) The Arc­tic Promise — Legal and Polit­i­cal Auton­o­my of
. . . . . Green­land and Nunavut
22395. (Mark James Dwyer & Kir­rill Vladimirovich Istomin) Mobil­i­ty and Technology:
. . . . . Under­stand­ing the Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty of Two Groups of Nomadic Pas­toral­ists to Reindeer
. . . . . Loss­es [arti­cle]
22396. (Spencer Apol­lo­nio) Lands that Hold One Spell­bound — A Sto­ry of East Greenland
22397. (Jeanne Matthews) Bones of Contention
22398. (Rudra Rak­shit & Lora Tomas) The Art of State­less­ness — Frag­ments of the Lives of
. . . . . Rohingya Refugees in Jam­mu [arti­cle]
22399. (Tser­ing Shakya) Whith­er the Tsam­pa Eaters? [arti­cle]
22400. (David Mitchell) The Bone Clocks
22401. (Tser­ing Shakya) The Myth of Shangri-la — Tibet and the Occi­dent [arti­cle]
22402. (Thier­ry Rodon) From Nou­veau-Québec to Nunavik and Eey­ou Istchee: The Political
. . . . . Econ­o­my of North­ern Québec [arti­cle]
22403. (Sta­cy Aumonier) Miss Brace­gir­dle Does Her Duty [sto­ry]
22404. (Bain Attwood) Telling the Truth about Abo­rig­i­nal History
22405. (Louis A. Knafla) “This Is Our Land”: Abo­rig­i­nal Title at Cus­tom­ary and Common
. . . . . Law in Com­par­a­tive Con­texts [arti­cle]
22406. (Arthur Ray) From the US Indi­an Claims Com­mis­sion Cas­es to Del­ga­muukw: Facts,
. . . . . The­o­ries, and Evi­dence in North Amer­i­can Land Claims [arti­cle]
22407. (Mar­guerite Yource­nar) Mémoires d’Hadrien
22409. (Harold Mytum) Death Seen in Coun­ty Louth [arti­cle]
22410. (Sabah Walid Sbeinati & Juan­jo Puli­do Royo) Socialoción del pat­ri­mo­nio, patrimonio
. . . . . expandi­do y con­tex­tu­al­iza­cíon de la cul­tura [arti­cle]
22411. (Kir­ill V. Istomin, Jarosla­va Panáková & Patrick Heady) Cul­ture, Per­cep­tion, and
. . . . . Artis­tic Visu­al­iza­tion: A Com­par­a­tive Study of Children’s Draw­ings in Three
. . . . . Siber­ian Cul­ture Groups [arti­cle]
22412. (Gre­tel Ehrlich) This Cold Heav­en — Sev­en Sea­sons in Greenland
22413. (David Yarrow) Law’s Infi­deli­ty to Its Past: The Fail­ure to Rec­og­nize Indigenous
. . . . . Juris­dic­tion in Aus­tralia and Cana­da [arti­cle]
22414. (Jens Dahl) An Inu­it Hunt­ing Com­mu­ni­ty in the Mod­ern World
22415. (David Mitchell) Ghostwritten

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