22416. (Dwayne Brown) Curios­i­ty Rover Finds Active, Ancient Organ­ic Chem­istry on Mars
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22417. (Ben Krause-Kyo­ra, et al) Use of Domes­tic Pigs by Mesolith­ic Hunter-Gath­er­ers in
. . . . . North­west­ern Europe [arti­cle]
22418. (Patrick Cock­burn) The Destruc­tion of Idols: Syria’s Pat­ri­mo­ny at Risk from
. . . . . Extrem­ists [arti­cle]
22419. (James Steven­son, Jonathan Lunine & Paulette Clan­cy) Mem­brane Alter­na­tives in
. . . . . Worlds with­out Oxy­gen: Cre­ation of an Azo­to­some [arti­cle]
22420. (Reg Lit­tle) Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty and the Redis­cov­ery of the Lost Egypt­ian City of
. . . . . Her­a­cleion [arti­cle]
22421. (Frank Jor­dans) Ancient Wheat Points to Stone Age Trad­ing Links [arti­cle]
22422. (Xue-Bing Wu, et al) An Ultra­lu­mi­nous Quasar with a Twelve-billion-solar-mass
. . . . . Black Hole at Red­shift 6.30 [arti­cle]
22423. (P. Skoglund, et al) Genom­ic Diver­si­ty and Admix­ture Dif­fers for Stone-Age
. . . . . Scan­di­na­vian For­agers and Farm­ers [arti­cle]
22424. (Tra­cy J. Thom­son & Mary L. Dros­er) Swim­ming Rep­tiles Make Their Mark in the
. . . . . Ear­ly Tri­as­sic: Delayed Eco­log­ic Recov­ery Increased the Preser­va­tion Poten­tial of
. . . . . Ver­te­brate Swim Tracks [arti­cle]
22425. (Kuni­hiko Imai) Archae­ol­o­gists Unearth Lost Fortress of Genghis Khan in Western
. . . . . Mon­go­lia [arti­cle]
22426. (J. B. Smith) Smith­son­ian Sheds Light on Shaman and Girl Buried on the Bra­zos 11,000
. . . . . Years Ago [arti­cle]
22427. (Alis­ter W. Gra­ham, Bililign T. Dul­lo & Giu­lia A. D. Savorgnan) Hid­ing in Plain
. . . . . Sight: An Abun­dance of Com­pact Mas­sive Spher­oids in the Local Uni­verse [arti­cle]
22428. (Lily Hyde) Like “Just Say No” but With More Kalash­nikovs [arti­cle]
22429. (Myles Mitchell, et al) Towards Sus­tain­able Com­mu­ni­ty Her­itage Man­age­ment and the
. . . . . Role of Archae­ol­o­gy: A Case Study from West­ern Aus­tralia [arti­cle]
22430. (Joanne Pills­bury) The Thorny Oys­ter and the Ori­gins of Empire: Impli­ca­tions of
. . . . . Recent­ly Uncov­ered Spondy­lus Imagery from Chan Chan, Peru [arti­cle]
22431. (Alex­is Wright) Carpentaria
22432. (Dorothy White­lock –ed.) The Anglo-Sax­on Chron­i­cle ― A Revised Translation
22433. (William Le Queux) The Secret of the Fox Hunter [sto­ry]
22434. (Beth Kicin­s­ki) The Port Phillip Pro­tec­torate 1839–1849 [arti­cle]
22435. (Olive King Brooks) The Polit­i­cal Phi­los­o­phy of Dr. Richard Price [the­sis]
22436. (Ben­jamin Isakhan) The Iraq Lega­cies and the Roots of the “Islam­ic State” [arti­cle]
22437. (Don­ald Purich) The Inu­it and Their Land ― The Sto­ry of Nunavut
22438. (Thi­lo Rehren) Roads to Rich­es: Mak­ing Good the Sil­ver Ore at Lavri­on in Greece
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22439. (Lor­na Anguilano) Roman Lead Sil­ver Smelt­ing at Rio Tinto
22440. (Steven Muhlberg­er [Finnvarr de Taa­he]) 50 Years: An Intro­duc­tion to the His­to­ry of
. . . . . the Soci­ety for Cre­ative Anachro­nism [arti­cle]
22441. (J. C. Edmond­son) Min­ing in the Lat­er Roman Empire and Beyond: Con­ti­nu­ity or
. . . . . Dis­rup­tion? [arti­cle]
22442. (Steven Muhlberg­er) Chival­ry and Mil­i­tary Biog­ra­phy in the Lat­er Mid­dle Ages [arti­cle]
22443. (A. P. Elkin) Abo­rig­i­nal Men of High Degree ― Ini­ti­a­tion and Sor­cery in the World’s
. . . . . Old­est Tradition
22444. (Sood­abeh Durali-Müller) Roman Lead and Cop­per Min­ing in Germany
22445. (Renée Fos­sett) In Order to Live Untrou­bled ― Inu­it of the Cen­tral Arc­tic, 1550–1940
22446. (Richard Dibon-Smith) Min­er­al Explo­ration and Fort Place­ment in Roman Britain
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22447. (McK­ay Jenk­ins) The Bloody Falls of the Cop­per­mine ― Mad­ness, Mur­der, and the
. . . . . Col­li­sion of Cul­tures in the Arc­tic, 1913
22448. [2] (Avram David­son) Rogue Dragon
22449. (Kira van Deusen) Kivi­uq ― An Inu­it Hero and His Siber­ian Cousins
22450. (Ail­sa Hen­der­son) Nunavut ― Rethink­ing Polit­i­cal Culture
22451. (R. Quinn Duffy) The Road to Nunavut ― The Progress of the East­ern Arc­tic Inuit
. . . . . Since the Sec­ond World War
22452. (Camp­bell M. Gold) Roman Britain Min­er­al Min­ing [arti­cle]
22453. [2] (Bill Wat­ter­son) The Inde­spens­able Calvin and Hobbes [comix]

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