22421. (Frank Jor­dans) Ancient Wheat Points to Stone Age Trad­ing Links [arti­cle]
22422. (Xue-Bing Wu, et al) An Ultra­lu­mi­nous Quasar with a Twelve-billion-solar-mass
. . . . . Black Hole at Red­shift 6.30 [arti­cle]
22423. (P. Skoglund, et al) Genom­ic Diver­si­ty and Admix­ture Dif­fers for Stone-Age
. . . . . Scan­di­na­vian For­agers and Farm­ers [arti­cle]
22424. (Tra­cy J. Thom­son & Mary L. Dros­er) Swim­ming Rep­tiles Make Their Mark in the
. . . . . Ear­ly Tri­as­sic: Delayed Eco­log­ic Recov­ery Increased the Preser­va­tion Poten­tial of
. . . . . Ver­te­brate Swim Tracks [arti­cle]
22454. [2] (Eugene O’Neill) Long Day’s Jour­ney Into Night [play]
22455. (Win­fred van de Put & Roald Doc­ter) A Lekythos found in House 1 at Thorikos
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22456. (David Keys) How Rome Pol­lut­ed the World [arti­cle]
22457. (Orsolya Láng) Urban Prob­lems in the Civ­il Town of Aquin­cum: The So-called
. . . . . “North­ern Band” [arti­cle]
22458. (Miri­am T. Stark, Jef­fery J. Clark & Mark D. Elson) Caus­es and Con­se­quences of
. . . . . Migra­tion in the 13th Cen­tu­ry Ton­to Basin [arti­cle]
22459. (Cecil­ia Lut­trell & Sit­na Quiroz) Link­ages between Human Rights-based Approaches
. . . . . and Empow­er­ment [arti­cle]
22460. (Ray Lau­rence) Tourism and Roman­ità: A New Vision of Pom­peii, 1924–1942 [arti­cle]
22461. (Siyakha Mgu­ni) Five Years of South­ern African Rock Art Resarch [arti­cle]
22462. (Peng Lijing) Per­for­mance of Epic Gesar and Mod­ern­iza­tion in Kham and Amdo Tibet
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22463. (Ogden Nash) You Can’t Get There from Here [verse]
22464. (Simon Schama) Cit­i­zens : A Chron­i­cle of the French Revolution
22465. (Mario Alinei) Dar­win­ism, Tra­di­tion­al Lin­guis­tics and the New Pale­olith­ic Con-tinuity
. . . . . The­o­ry of Lan­guage Evo­lu­tion [arti­cle]
22466. (Ter­ry South­ern & Mason Hof­fen­berg) Candy
22467. (UCD School of Archae­ol­o­gy) Mak­ing an Island World: Neolith­ic Shet­land — North
. . . . . Roe Fel­site Project Report #1, 2013 [report]
22468. (UCD School of Archae­ol­o­gy) Mak­ing an Island World: Neolith­ic Shet­land — North
. . . . . Roe Fel­site Project Report #2, 2015 [report]
22469. (E. W. Hor­nung) A School­mas­ter Abroad [sto­ry]
22470. (Kevin Bales & Zoe Trodd) To Plead Our Own Cause — Per­son­al Sto­ries by Today’s
. . . . . Slaves
22471. (Kir­ill V. Istomin & Mark J. Dwyer) Find­ing the Way: A Crit­i­cal Dis­cus­sion of
. . . . . Anthro­po­log­i­cal The­o­ries of Human Spa­tial Ori­en­ta­tion with Ref­er­ence to Reindeer
. . . . . Herders of North­east­ern Europe and West­ern Siberia [arti­cle]
22472. (J. Don­ald Hugh­es) Envi­ron­men­tal Prob­lems of the Greeks and Romans [2nd ed. of
. . . . . Pan’s Tra­vail]
22473. (Denis Schrey, Allan Tran-Sam & Ste­fanie Hartwig) Par­lia­men­tary Elec­tions 2013 and
. . . . . the Devel­op­ment of the Polit­i­cal Par­ties in Cam­bo­dia [arti­cle]
22474. (Ben­er­son Lit­tle) Pirate Hunt­ing — The Fight Against Pirates, Pri­va­teers, and Sea
. . . . . Raiders from Antiq­ui­ty to the Present
22475. (Tim Sev­erin) The Bren­dan Voyage
22476. (Alessia Mori­gi) Dal­la Sarsi­na Pagana alla Sarsi­na Cris­tiana: La For­ma Urbana
. . . . . Tar­doan­ti­ca e Altome­dievale [arti­cle]
22477. (Adri­an Goldswor­thy) The Fall of the West — The Death of the Roman Superpower

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