22416. (Dwayne Brown) Curios­i­ty Rover Finds Active, Ancient Organ­ic Chem­istry on Mars
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22417. (Ben Krause-Kyo­ra, et al) Use of Domes­tic Pigs by Mesolith­ic Hunter-Gath­er­ers in
. . . . . North­west­ern Europe [arti­cle]
22418. (Patrick Cock­burn) The Destruc­tion of Idols: Syria’s Pat­ri­mo­ny at Risk from
. . . . . Extrem­ists [arti­cle]
22419. (James Steven­son, Jonathan Lunine & Paulette Clan­cy) Mem­brane Alter­na­tives in
. . . . . Worlds with­out Oxy­gen: Cre­ation of an Azo­to­some [arti­cle]
22420. (Reg Lit­tle) Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty and the Redis­cov­ery of the Lost Egypt­ian City of
. . . . . Her­a­cleion [arti­cle]
22478. [2] (Mary Shel­ley) Franken­stein, or the Mod­ern Prometheus
22479. (Mrs. Leighton) The Sweet and Touch­ing Tale of Fleur & Blanchefleur, A Mediaeval
. . . . . Leg­end Trans­lat­ed from French [ill. Eleanor Fortes­cue Brickdale]
22480. (Jean Cabaret d’Orville) La chronique du bon duc Loys de Bour­bon [ed. A.-M.
. . . . . Chaz­a­ud, Librairie Renouard 1876]
22481. (Jean Cabaret d’Orville) His­toire de la vie de Louis, duc troisième de Bour­bon [ed. J.-
. . . . . A.-C. Buchon; in Choix de chroniques et mémoires sur l’histoire de France. Bureau
. . . . . du Pan­théon Lit­téraire 1861]
22482. (George P. Nicholas) Eco­log­i­cal Lev­el­ing — The Archae­ol­o­gy and Environmental
. . . . . Dynam­ics of Ear­ly Post­glacial Land Use [arti­cle]
22483. (Pel­le­gri­no A. Luciano) Neolib­er­al­ism, Her­itage Con­ser­va­tion, and the Resulting
. . . . . Dis­pos­sion at Machu Pic­chu, a Pro­tect­ed Area in the Peru­vian Andes [arti­cle]
22484. (Trish Baer) MyN­DIR: My Norse Dig­i­tal Image Repos­i­to­ry [arti­cle]
22485. (Dashen Shiv­am­bu) Media Ethics [arti­cle]
22486. (Peter M. Roese & Dmitri M. Bodarenko) A Pop­u­lar His­to­ry of Benin — The Rise and
. . . . . Fall of a Mighty For­est Kingdom
22487. (Jakub Matoušek, et al) Field Prospect­ing of the Únanov­ka Creek Basin, South
. . . . . Moravia, Zno­j­mo Dis­trict [arti­cle]
22488. (Kamala Kan­ta Dash) Madras­sas [arti­cle]
22489. (Wal­ter E. Lit­tle) Home As a Place of Exhi­bi­tion and Per­for­mance: Mayan Household
. . . . . Trans­for­ma­tions in Guata­mala [arti­cle]
22490. (Richard Dawkins) Unweav­ing the Rain­bow — Sci­ence, Delu­sion and the Appetite for
. . . . . Wonder
22491. (Ivan Vajsov, et al) Neolith­ic Set­tle­ment Kuri­lo-Kre­meni­ca, Sofia Dis­trict, Bulgaria:
. . . . . Geo­phys­i­cal Inves­ti­ga­tions 2012 [arti­cle]
22492. (Kir­ill V. Istomin & Mark J. Dwyer) Dynam­ic Mutu­al Adap­ta­tion: Human-Animal
. . . . . Inter­ac­tion in Rein­deer Herd­ing Pas­toral­ism [arti­cle]
22493. (George P. Nichols) Hunter-Gath­er­er Soci­ety and the Pre­his­toric Use of Jasper [arti­cle]
22494. (Valerie Cur­tis) Don’t Look, Don’t Touch, Don’t Eat — The Sci­ence Behind Revulsion
22495. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] “The Gleam­ing Cities of
. . . . . Earth…” [arti­cle]
22496. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Review of Jean de Sain­tré: A
. . . . . Late Medieval Edu­ca­tion in Love and Chival­ry by Antoine De la Salle [review]
22497. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Grip­ing About the Word
. . . . . Medieval [arti­cle]
(D. S. Pot­ter & D. J. Mat­ting­ly ˗ed.) Life, Death, and Enter­tain­ment in the Roman Empire:
. . . . 22498. (David S. Pot­ter) Intro­duc­tion [pref­ace]
. . . . 22499. (Ann E. Han­son) The Roman Fam­i­ly [arti­cle]
. . . . 22500. (Maud W. Glea­son) Elite Male Iden­ti­ty in the Roman Empire [arti­cle]
. . . . 22501. (Bruce W. Frier) Roman Demog­ra­phy [arti­cle]
. . . . 22502. (Kei­th Hop­kins) Nov­el Evi­dence for Roman Slav­ery [arti­cle]
. . . . 22503. (David S. Pot­ter) Roman Reli­gion: Ideas and Actions [arti­cle]
. . . . 22504. (Greg S. Aldrete & David J. Mat­ting­ly) Feed­ing the City: The Organization,
. . . . . . . . . Oper­a­tion, and Scale of the Sup­ply Sys­tem for Rome [arti­cle]
. . . . 22505. (Hazel Dodge) Amus­ing the Mass­es: Build­ings for Enter­tain­ment and Leisure
. . . . . . . . . in the Roman World [arti­cle]
. . . . 22506. (David S. Pot­ter) Enter­tain­ers in the Roman Empire [arti­cle]
. . . . 22507. (David S. Pot­ter) Two Doc­u­ments Illus­trat­ing Impe­r­i­al Con­trol of Public
. . . . . . . . . Enter­tain­ment [arti­cle]
22508. (Har­ry Blyth) The Miss­ing Millionaire
22509. (Mil­jana Radi­vo­je­vić & Thi­lo Rehren) Paint It Black: The Rise of Met­al­lur­gy in the
. . . . . Balka­ns [arti­cle]
22510. (David M. Lamp­ton) Fol­low­ing the Leader — Rul­ing Chi­na from Deng Xiaop­ing to Xi
. . . . . Jinping
22511. (Peter Temin) The Labor Sup­ply of the Roman Empire [arti­cle]
22512. (Wal­ter Schei­del) The Roman Slave Sup­ply [arti­cle]
22513. (John Ral­ston Saul) Reflec­tions of a Siamese Twin — Cana­da at the End of the
. . . . . Twen­ti­eth Century
22514. (Mau­r­izio Forte & Vit­to­rio Gallese) Embod­i­ment and 3D Archae­ol­o­gy: a Neolithic
. . . . . House at Çatal­höyük [arti­cle]
22515. (William Ray­mond Belch­er) Fish Exploita­tion of the Baluchis­tan and Indus Valley
. . . . . Tra­di­tions: An Eth­noar­chae­o­log­i­cal Approach to the Study of Fish Remains
22516. (Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Fri­is) Inter­pret­ing the Visu­al [arti­cle]
22517. (Clive Gam­ble) Set­tling the Earth — The Archae­ol­o­gy of Deep Human History
22518. (Jele­na Bek­valac, Gaynor West­ern & Mark Farmer) The Impact of Indus­tri­al­iza­tion on
. . . . . Female Health: Under­stand­ing the Aeti­ol­o­gy of Hyper­os­to­sis Frontal­is Interna
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22519. (Siniša Maleše­vić & Ves­na Maleše­vić) Civ­il Soci­ety The­o­ry: Gell­ner [arti­cle]
22520. (Kyle Erick­son & Nicholas L. Wright) The “Roy­al Archer” and Apol­lo in the East:
. . . . . Gre­co-Per­sian Iconog­ra­phy in the Seleukid Empire [arti­cle]

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