22572. (James Wood­ford) The Wolle­mi Pine
22573. (Louis-Hip­poly­te LaFontaine) De l’esclavage en Canada
22574. (Bev­er­ley Bois­sery) A Deep Sense of Wrong — The Trea­son, Tri­als, and Trans-portation 
. . . . . to New South Wales of Low­er Cana­di­an Rebels after the 1838 Rebellion
22575. (Louis-Hip­poly­te LaFontaine) Deux giri­ou­ettes, ou l’hypocrisie démasquée
22576. (R. J. Van der Spek) Berossus as a Baby­lon­ian Chron­i­cler and Greek His­to­ri­an [arti­cle]
22577. (Pat­ti Miller) The Mind of a Thief
22578. (David Stu­art Davies) The Rid­dle of the Vis­it­ing Angel [sto­ry]
22579. (Cas­san­dra Pybus) Epic Jour­neys of Free­dom — Run­away Slaves of the American 
. . . . . Rev­o­lu­tion and Their Glob­al Quest for Liberty
22580. (Steve Hewitt) Mor­pho­log­i­cal and Syn­tac­tic Dialect Vari­a­tion in Bre­ton [arti­cle]
22581. (Siân Rees) The Float­ing Broth­el — The Extra­or­di­nary True Sto­ry of an Eighteenth-
. . . . . cen­tu­ry Ship and Its Car­go of Female Convicts
22582. (Steve Hewitt) Back­ground Infor­ma­tion on Bre­ton [arti­cle]
22583. (Rick­ie Lette) The His­to­ry of a Nine­teenth Cen­tu­ry Sofa: Leisure, Com­fort, Co-lonialism 
. . . . . and Trade [arti­cle]
22584. (Stephen Lea­cock) Bald­win, LaFontaine, Hincks: Respon­si­ble Government
22585. (Frits Berends) Hen­drik Antoon Lorentz: His Role in Physics and Soci­ety [arti­cle]
22586. (Rick­ie Lette) Cul­tur­al Exchange in the Cru­sad­er States of the Lev­ant [arti­cle]
22587. (Pál Raczky, et al) Short Report on the 2014 Exca­va­tions at Pol­gár-Csőszhalom [arti­cle]
22588. (Car­o­line Ford) Syd­ney Beach­es: A History
22589. (Pál Raczky, Alexan­dra Anders & Zsuzsan­na Sik­lósi) Tra­jec­to­ries of Con­ti­nu­ity and 
. . . . . Change between the Late Neolith­ic and the Cop­per Age in East­ern Hun­gary [arti­cle]
22590. (Tor­ben Bjarke Ballin) Per­cep­tions of Quartz in Scot­tish Pre­his­to­ry [arti­cle]
22591. (Joanne Pills­bury) Inka Unku: Strat­e­gy and Design in Colo­nial Peru [arti­cle]
22592. (Ivana Pandžić & Marc Van­der Lin­den) Neolith­ic Site of Kočiće­vo in Low­er Vrbas 
. . . . . Val­ley [report]
22593. (Alessan­dra Negri, et al) A Poten­tial Glob­al Bound­ary Stra­to­type Sec­tion and Point 
. . . . . [GSSP] for the Tar­ent­ian Stage, Upper Pleis­tocene, from the Taran­to Area, Italy: 
. . . . . Results and Future Per­spec­tives [arti­cle]
22594. (Fred C. Woud­huisen) A Myce­naean Roy­al Trad­er [arti­cle]
22595. (Johannes Müller) Eight Mil­lion Neolith­ic Euro­peans: Social Demog­ra­phy and Social 
. . . . . Archae­ol­o­gy on the Scope of Change — From the Near East to Scan­di­navia [arti­cle]
22596. (Joe Flat­man & Mark Stan­i­forth) Sub­merged Cul­tur­al Land­scapes [arti­cle]
22597. (Scott A. Mensing, et al) 2700 Years of Mediter­ranean Envi­ron­men­tal Change in Central 
. . . . . Italy: A Syn­the­sis of Sed­i­men­ta­ry and Cul­tur­al Records to Inter­pret Past Impacts of 
. . . . . Cli­mate on Soci­ety [arti­cle]
22598. (Elías López-Romero Gon­za­les de la Ale­ja) Char­ac­ter­iz­ing the Evo­lu­tion of Visual 
. . . . . Land­scapes in the Late Pre­his­to­ry of South­west Mor­bi­han [arti­cle]
22599. (Anon.) Luwian Hiero­glyph­ic Texts in Late Bronze Age Scrib­al Tradition
22600. (Mark Golitko & Gary M. Fein­man) Pro­cure­ment and Dis­tri­b­u­tion of Pre-Hispanic 
. . . . . Mesoamer­i­can Obsid­i­an 900 BC-AD 1520: A Social Net­work Analy­sis [arti­cle]
22601. (George Ade) Thir­ty Fables in Slang
22602. (Robert Barr) In the Grip of the Green Demon [sto­ry]
22603. (Mario Alinei) Yan­kee: A Dutch Ety­mol­o­gy Revis­it­ed [arti­cle]
22604. (Richard Bradley) The Pre­his­to­ry of Britain and Ireland
22605. (Mario Alinei) Euro­pean Dialects: A Win­dow on the Pre­his­to­ry of Europe [arti­cle]
22606. (Tem­ma Kaplan) Democ­ra­cy: A World History
22607. (Bar­ry Z. Cyna­mon & Steven M. Faz­zari) Inequal­i­ty, the Great Reces­sion, and Slow 
. . . . . Revovery [arti­cle]
22608. (Dave Finkel­stein & Jack Lon­don) Greater Nowheres — A Jour­ney through the 
. . . . . Aus­tralian Bush
22609. (Richard P. Ever­shed, et al) Ear­li­est Date for Milk Use in the Near East and 
. . . . . South­east­ern Europe Linked to Cat­tle Herd­ing [arti­cle]
22610. (Albert Rubio, et al) The Rock Art of Sarachi Riv­er Basin: The El Arco and Blance de la 
. . . . . Pulsera Caves, Sono­ra, Mex­i­co [arti­cle]
22611. (Bill Bevan) Walk into Prehistory
22612. (Zaryab Iqbal & Har­vey Starr) Bad Neigh­bors: Failed States and Their Consequences 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22613. (William J. Bur­roughs) Cli­mate Change in Pre­his­to­ry — The End of the Reign of Chaos
22614. (Jean Le Dû) Revue de Vrais bre­tons et pseu­do-normes par François P. Bon­not [review]
22615. (Mario Alinei) Magi­co-Reli­gious Moti­va­tions in Euro­pean Dialects, and the 
. . . . . Sig­nif­i­cance of Their Stratig­ra­phy [arti­cle]
22616. (Fred C. Woud­huisen) The Eth­nic­i­ty of the Sea Peoples
22617. (Jared Bissinger & Linn Maung Maung) Sub­na­tion­al Gov­ern­ments and Busi­ness in 
. . . . . Myan­mar [report]
22618. (Asia Foun­da­tion) Pro­file of the “Bangkok Shut­down” Pro­tes­tors — A Sur­vey of Anti-
. . . . . Gov­ern­ment PDRC Demon­stra­tors in Bangkok [report]
22619. (Hergé) Tintin au Pays des Soviets
22620. [2] (Mark Twain) The Mys­te­ri­ous Stranger [ill. N.C. Wyeth] [1916 Harp­er Edi­tion] [not
. . . . . same as Esel­dorf ver­sion [Diary of Young Satan] at 22281 or No.44 version] 
22621. (Mark Twain) No.44, the Mys­te­ri­ous Stranger [Mark Twain Project text]

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