23399. (Bene­dict de Spin­oza) A The­o­logi­co-Polit­i­cal Trea­tise [tr. R. H. M. Elwes]
23400. (Bene­dict de Spin­oza) A Polit­i­cal Trea­tise [tr. R. H. M. Elwes]
23401. (Mehmet Özdoğan) In Quest of a Miss­ing Era in East­ern Thrace ― Dilem­ma of the 
. . . . . 4th Mil­le­ni­um [arti­cle]
23402. (Erd­mute Alber & Heike Drot­bohm) Intro­duc­tion to Anthro­po­log­i­cal Per­spec­tives on
. . . . . Care [arti­cle]
23403. (Andre Nor­ton) The Time Traders
23404. (Cur­tis Run­nels & Mehmet Özdoğan) The Palae­olith­ic of the Bospho­rus Region, NW 
. . . . . Turkey [arti­cle]
23405. (Sarah Cabalion) Buveurs de lait et ama­teurs de viande ― aperçu des pratiques 
. . . . . ali­men­taires actuelles des Touaregs de la Tagaray­garayt, Aza­wagh, Niger [arti­cle]
23406. (Tim Win­ton) Dirt Music
23407. (Gary M. Fein­man & Lin­da M. Nicholas) The Late Pre­his­pan­ic Econ­o­my of the Valley 
. . . . . of Oax­a­ca, Mex­i­co: Weav­ing Threads from Data, The­o­ry, and Sub­se­quent History 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23408. (Remke Kruk) Har­ry Pot­ter in the Gulf: Con­tem­po­rary Islam and the Occult [arti­cle]
23409. (Brad Tolin­s­ki & Alan Di Per­na) Play It Loud – An Epic His­to­ry of the Style, Sound, 
. . . . . and Rev­o­lu­tion of the Elec­tric Guitar
23410. (Har­ry Blyth) The Accus­ing Shad­ow [sto­ry]
23411. (Thomas Frank) Don­ald Trump Is Mov­ing to the White House, and Lib­er­als Put Him 
. . . . . There [arti­cle]
23412. (Rick Perl­ston) Time Ban­dits ― Why Our Polit­i­cal Past Is Rarely Pro­logue [arti­cle]
23413. (John Lyming­ton) The Sleep Eaters
23414. (David Smith, et al) Assess­ing the Lat­er Pre­his­toric Envi­ron­men­tal Archae­ol­o­gy and 
. . . . . Land­scape Devel­op­ment of Ceti­na Val­ley, Croa­t­ia [arti­cle]
23415. (Ann Gib­bons) Meet the Frail, Small-brained Peo­ple who First Trekked out of Africa 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
(Shirley Jack­son) The Mag­ic of Shirley Jack­son [ed. Stan­ley Edgar Hyman]:
. . . . 23416. (Stan­ley Edgar Hyman) Preface 
. . . . 23417. (Shirley Jack­son) The Dae­mon Lover [sto­ry]
. . . . 23418. (Shirley Jack­son) My Live with R. H. Macy [sto­ry]
. . . . 23419. (Shirley Jack­son) Col­lo­quy [sto­ry]
. . . . 23420. (Shirley Jack­son) Pil­lar of Salt [sto­ry]
. . . . 23421. (Shirley Jack­son) The Rene­gade [sto­ry]
. . . . 23422. (Shirley Jack­son) Flower Gar­den [sto­ry]
. . . . 23423. (Shirley Jack­son) Eliz­a­beth [sto­ry]
. . . . 23424. (Shirley Jack­son) Come Dance with Me in Ire­land [sto­ry]
. . . . 23425. (Shirley Jack­son) Of Course [sto­ry]
. . . . 23426. (Shirley Jack­son) The Tooth [sto­ry]
. . . . 23427. (Shirley Jack­son) The Lot­tery [sto­ry]
23428. (John T. Koch) Gal­lo-Brit­ton­ic Tasc(i)ouarws “Bad­ger-slay­er” and the Reflex of 
. . . . . Indo-Euro­pean gWh [arti­cle]
23429. (Julian Thomas) Phe­nom­e­nol­o­gy and Mate­r­i­al Cul­ture [arti­cle]

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