15427. (Peter James) Cen­turies of Dark­ness ― A Chal­lenge to the Con­ven­tion­al Chronology
. . . . . of Old World Archaeology
15428. (Lawrence H. Kee­ley) War Before Civilization
15429. (Tim­o­thy Kyger) Inter­na­tion­al Space Sta­tion (ISS): Past, Present, and Future ― A
. . . . . Cri­tique [arti­cle]
15430. (Stephen Grey) Ghost Plane ― The True Sto­ry of the CIA Tor­ture Program
(Sea­mus Heaney –tr.) Beowulf ― A New Verse Translation:
. . . . 15431. (Sea­mus Heaney) Intro­duc­tion [pref­ace]
. . . . 15432. Beowulf [bilin­gual text; orig­i­nal Anglo-Sax­on and Sea­mus Heaney]
15433. (William P. Lebra & Thomas W. Maret­z­ki) The Com­mu­ni­ty Coop­er­a­tive in Northern
. . . . . Oki­nawa [arti­cle]
15434. (Michel de Certeau) The Prac­tice of Every­day Life
15435. (Adam Fer­gu­son) An Essay on the His­to­ry of Civ­il Soci­ety [1767]
15436. (Tim­o­thy Kyger) The Sev­en Civ­i­lized Tribes [unpub­lished notes]
15437. (Joan Jacob­sen) The Gun­pow­der Plot of 1605 [unpub­lished thesis]
15438. (Taral Wayne) Tea, With Mur­der In His Eyes [arti­cle]
15439. (Matt Rid­ley) The Ori­gins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evo­lu­tion of Cooperation
15440. (Gavin Young) Return to the Marsh­es: Life With the Marsh Arabs of Iraq
15441. (Wal­ter A. Fairservis) The Harap­pan Civ­i­liza­tion and Its’ Writ­ing ― A Mod­el for the
. . . . . Deci­pher­ment of the Indus Script
15442. (S. R. Rao) The Deci­pher­ment of the Indus Val­ley Script
15443. (Orhan Pamuk) Istan­bul: Mem­o­ries and the City
15444. (Mark Dick­ens) Every­thing You Always Want­ed to Know About Tocharia*
. . . . . [*But Were Afraid to Ask] [arti­cle]
15446. (Janet Met­calfe) Feel­ing of Know­ing in Mem­o­ry and Prob­lem Solv­ing [arti­cle]
15447. (Janet Met­calfe) Pre­mo­ni­tions of Insight Pre­dict Impend­ing Error [arti­cle]
15448. (Edward M. Bow­den, Mark Jung-Bee­man, Jes­si­ca Fleck, & John Kounios) New
. . . . . Approach­es to Demys­ti­fy­ing Insight [arti­cle]
15449. (Miha­lyi Csik­szent­mi­ha­lyi) Cre­ativ­i­ty [arti­cle]
15450. (Kei­th J. Holyoak) Prob­lem Solv­ing [arti­cle]
15451. (C. M. Seifert, D.E. Mey­er, N. David­son, et al ) Demys­ti­fi­ca­tion of Cog­ni­tive Insight:
. . . . . Oppor­tunis­tic Assim­i­la­tion and the Pre­pared-Mind Per­spec­tive [arti­cle]
15452. (Isaac White) The Sub­tract­ed Premise Mod­el of Insight [unpub­lished article]

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