First-time listening for October 2017

24843. (Wil­helm Friede­mann Bach) Sym­pho­ny in F “Dis­so­nance Sym­pho­ny”, F.67/BR.C2
24844. (Wil­helm Friede­mann Bach) Sym­pho­ny in F after the Sacred Can­ta­ta “Ertönt, ihr
. . . . . seli­gen Völk­er”, F88/BR.F15
24845. (Wil­helm Friede­mann Bach) Sym­pho­ny in D, F.64/BR.C8
24846. (Wil­helm Friede­mann Bach) Sym­pho­ny in D after the Sacred Can­ta­ta “Wo geht die
. . . . . Leben­sreise hin”, F.91/BR.F12
24847. (Wil­helm Friede­mann Bach) Sym­pho­ny in D after the Sacred Can­ta­ta “O Wun­der ! wer
. . . . . kann dieses fassen?”, F.92/BR.F2
24848. (Wil­helm Friede­mann Bach) Orches­tral Suite in G Minor [wrong­ly attrib­uted to J. S.
. . . . . Bach as Bwv.1070]
24849. (New Pornog­ra­phers) White­out Conditions
24850. (Mag­net­ic Fields) The Way­ward Bus
24851. (Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes)
24852. (Pietro Mascagni) Cav­al­le­ria Rus­ti­cana [com­plete opera; d. Ser­afin; Del Monaco,
. . . . . Simion­a­to, MacNeil]
24853. (Shamir) Ratchet
24854. (Arthur Sul­li­van) The Con­tra­ban­dista [opera selec­tions; d. Moss; Fearnley]
24855. (Jamie XX) Boil­er Room Reyk­javík DJ Set
24856. (Hum­ble Pie) As Safe As Yes­ter­day Is
24857. (Har­ry Mac­do­nough) “Hiawatha” [1903]
24858. (Har­ry Mac­do­nough & Haydn Bar­ber­shop Q) “In the Good Old Sum­mer Time” [1903]
24859. (Johann Sebas­t­ian Bach) Can­ta­ta #68 “Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt”, Bwv.68
24860. (Johann Sebas­t­ian Bach) Can­ta­ta #69 “Lobe den Her­rn, meine Seele”, Bwv.69
24861. (Johann Sebas­t­ian Bach) Can­ta­ta #70 “Wachet! betet! betet! wachet!”. Bwv.70
24862. (4 Skins) A Fist­ful of 4 Skins
24863. (Georges Delerue) Promise at Dawn [film soundtrack]
24864. (Mered­ith Wil­son) The Music Man [film soundtrack]
24865. (Anto­nio Vival­di) Sonata in G Minor, Op.13 #6 from Il Pas­tor Fido, arr. for Recorder
24866. (Benedet­to Mar­cel­lo) Sonata in D Minor for Recorder
24867. (Gio­van­ni Bat­tista Bononci­ni) Diver­ti­men­to da Cam­era in F for Recorder, Cello &
. . . . . Harpsichord
24868. (Francesco Barsan­ti) Sonata in G for Recorder, Cel­lo & Harpsichord
24869. (Nico­la Mat­teis) Ayre with Divi­sions for Recorder
24870. (Arcan­ge­lo Corel­li) Sonata for Recorder and Con­tin­uo in F, Op.5 #4 [vari­ant at 19920]
24871. (Mitch Leigh) Man of La Man­cha [Broad­way soundtrack]
24872. (Glenn Miller) The Best of Glenn Miller

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