15453. (Matt Rid­ley) The Red Queen ― Sex and the Evo­lu­tion of Human Nature
15454. (Christo­pher Boehm) Hier­ar­chy in the For­est ― The Evo­lu­tion of Egal­i­tar­i­an Behavior
15455. (Richard Wran­ham & Dale Peter­son) Demon­ic Males ― Apes and the Ori­gins of
. . . . . Human Violence
15456. (Christo­pher Wal­drep) The Many Faces of Judge Lynch ― Extrale­gal Vio­lence and
. . . . . Pun­ish­ment in America
15457. (John Ham­mond Moore) Car­ni­val of Blood ― Duel­ing, Lynch­ing, and Mur­der in
. . . . . South Car­oli­na 1880–1920
15458. (Lim Jok Seng) The Inter-Rela­tion­ship of Tech­nol­o­gy Econ­o­my and Social
. . . . . Organ­i­sa­tion in a Fish­ing Vil­lage in Brunei — Brunei Muse­um, Brunei — 1986
15459. (John D. Bessler) Lega­cy of Vio­lence ― Lynch Mobs and Exe­cu­tions in Minnesota
15457. (G. Philip Right­mire) Mid­dle Stone Age Humans from East­ern and South­ern Africa [arti­cle]
15458. (Gün­ter Bräuer) The Evo­lu­tion of Mod­ern Humans: A Com­par­i­son of the African and
. . . . . Non-African Evi­dence [arti­cle]
15459. (Bernard Van­der­meer­sch) The Evo­lu­tion of Mod­ern Humans: Recent Evi­dence from
. . . . . South­west Asia [arti­cle]
15460. (Nishi­da, T., K. Hosa­ka, M. Naka­mu­ra, and M. Hamai) A With­in-Group Gang Attack on
. . . . . a Young Adult Male Chim­panzee: Ostracism of an Ill-Man­nered Mem­ber [arti­cle]
15461. (Dominique Gam­bier) Fos­sil Hominids from the Ear­ly Upper Pale­olith­ic (Auri­gna­cian)
. . . . . of France [arti­cle]
15462. (Ezra Zubrow) The Demo­graph­ic Mod­el­ling of Nean­derthal Extinc­tions [arti­cle]
15463. (Phillip J. Har­good) The Ori­gin of Anatom­i­cal­ly Mod­ern Humans in Aus­trala­sia [arti­cle]
15464. (Col­in P. Groves) A Region­al Approach to the Prob­lem of the Ori­gin of Modern
. . . . . Humans in Aus­trala­sia [arti­cle]
15465. (Edward Relph) The Mod­ern Urban Landscape
15466. (Anne-Marie Tilli­er) The Evo­lu­tion of Mod­ern Humans: Evi­dence from Young Mousterian
. . . . . Indi­vid­u­als [arti­cle]
15467. (Robert Foley) The Eco­log­i­cal Con­di­tions of Spe­ci­a­tion: A Com­par­a­tive Approach to
. . . . . the Ori­gins of Anatom­i­cal­ly-Mod­ern Humans [arti­cle]
15468. (Auguste Escoffi­er) The Escoffi­er Cook­book ― A Guide to the Fine Art of French Cuisine

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