(Bay 1998) Armageddon

Oh My Gawd what a hor­ri­ble film! Oil rig­gers equipped with no skill or knowl­edge save the earth from aster­oid impact by fly­ing to the aster­oid in the Space Shut­tle and drilling a hole a mere 800 feet into it (as if this would make a dif­fer­ence?), to plant a nuclear bomb . They and NASA and var­i­ous mil­i­tary types save the Earth by com­pet­ing in how loud­ly they can shout at each oth­er and who can say the tough­est things. A sop­py romance is thrown in — one that makes you cringe when­ever those char­ac­ters show their faces. Annoy­ing act­ing, annoy­ing music, annoy­ing every­thing, and sci­en­tific illit­er­acy so pro­found that NASA uses the film to train astro­nauts. They are required to iden­tify as many of the 167 major vio­la­tions of phys­i­cal laws and prob­a­bil­i­ties as they can. Yes, 167.

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