23981. (Bar­bara Newhall Fol­lett) The House With­out Win­dows and Eep­er­sip’s Life There
23982. (John Ljungkvist & Per Frölund) Gam­la Upp­sala ― The Emer­gence of a Cen­tre and a 
. . . . . Mag­nate Com­plex [arti­cle]
23983. (John T. Koch) La fór­mu­la epi­grafi­ca Tarte­sia a la luz de los des­cubriemien­tos de la 
. . . . . necrópo­lis de Medel­lín [arti­cle]
23984. (E. Lynn & Chuck Mor­ton) Ferrets
23985. (Zhuo Feng et al) Late Per­mi­an Wood-bor­ings Reveal an Intri­cate Net­work of 
. . . . . Eco­log­i­cal Rela­tion­ships [arti­cle]
23986. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s World His­to­ry] Fran­chise ― a 15th Century 
. . . . . Def­i­n­i­tion of a Knight­ly Virtue [arti­cle]
23987. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s World His­to­ry] The Sword of Jus­tice by 
. . . . . Chris­t­ian Cameron [review]
23988. (Matthew Gabriele) How the Black Death {Sort Of} Killed a Viking Colony and 
. . . . . Trans­formed Europe [arti­cle]
23989. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s World His­to­ry] Neil Muhlberg­er: My Brother 
. . . . . the North Star [arti­cle]
23990. (K. E. Kennedy et al) Last Glacial Max­i­mum Age for the North­west Laurentide 
. . . . . Max­i­mum from the Eagle Riv­er Spill­way and Delta Com­plex, North­ern Yukon [arti­cle]
23991. (Sreer­am Chau­lia) Sau­di Ara­bia Is Using Cana­da to Test a Wob­bling Inter­na­tion­al Order 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23992. (Kel­ly Weill) The Alt-Right Is Tak­ing Over Renais­sance Fairs [arti­cle]
23993. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s World His­to­ry] Space Chantey by R. A. 
. . . . . Laf­fer­ty [review]
23994. (Rosa Bar­roso Berme­jo et al) Pro­duc­tion and Con­sump­tion of Salt in the Inland Tagus 
. . . . . Val­ley in Pre­his­to­ry [arti­cle]
23995. (Yuval Noah Harari) Why Some Fake News Lasts For­ev­er [arti­cle]
23996. (Scott Reid) Doug Ford, Don­ald Trump and the Humil­i­ty Cri­sis in Pol­i­tics [arti­cle]
23997. (Ros­tom Abramishvili & Mikheil Abramishvili) Late Bronze Age Bar­rows at 
. . . . . Tsitel­go­ri [arti­cle]
23998. (Everett F. Bleil­er) The Check­list of Fan­tas­tic Literature
23999. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s World His­to­ry] Strug­gling Day­ton Ohio [arti­cle]
24000. (Mark Thur­man) Cab­bage­town Gang
24001. (R. Mit­tal et al) Her­schel Obser­va­tions of the Cen­tau­rus Clus­ter ― The Dynam­ics of 
. . . . . Cold in a Cool Core [arti­cle]
24002. (Yvan Maligome) La récep­tion des mod­èles archi­tec­turaux á la périphérie de l’empire:
. . . . . réflex­ions autour des grands sanc­tu­aires civiques de Gaule de l’ouest [arti­cle]
24003. (Lau­ra Smith) The Art of Van­ish­ing ― A Mem­oir of Wanderlust
24004. (Ben­jamin Isakhan) Euro­cen­trism and the His­to­ry of Democ­ra­cy [arti­cle]
24005. (Jor­rit M. Kelder, Lau­rent Bricault & Rolf M. Schnei­der) A Stone Alabas­tron in the J. 
Paul Get­ty Muse­um and Its Mediter­ranean Con­text [arti­cle] [d]
24006. (Richard E. Aver­beck) Tem­ple Build­ings among the Sume­ri­ans and Akka­di­ans [arti­cle]
24007. (Bob Wood­ward) The War Within

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