Image of the Month


(Hitch­cock 1935) The 39 Steps
(Cav­al­can­ti 1947) The Life and Adven­tures of Nicholas Nickleby
(Hellings 2007) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.56 ― Death and Dust
(DeBlois & Sanders 2010) How to Train Your Dragon
(Tsut­su­mi & Oh 2022) Oni: Thun­der God’s Tale: Ep.1 ― Onar­i’s Kushi Power
(Gor­rie 1976) The Pic­ture of Dori­an Gray
(Ford 1941) How Green Was My Valley
(Oshii 1996) Ghost in the Shell [攻殻機動隊]
(Frow 2019) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.119 ― Draw­ing Dead

First-time listening for June 2023

26567. (Christoph Graup­n­er) Con­cer­to for Vio­la d’Amore, Flute & Orches­tra, BWV.725
26568. (Stan Rogers) From Cof­fee House to Con­cert Hall
26569. (10,000 Mani­acs) Hope Chest: The Fre­do­nia Record­ings 1982–1983
26570. (Split Enz) Men­tal Notes
26571. (Dead South) The Ocean Went Mad and We Were to Blame
26572. (Pietro Mascagni) Isabeau [com­plete opera; d. Rapal­lo; Pobbe, Cilien­to, Assandri]
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25173. (Abdi Nazemi­an) Like a Love Story
25174. (John Thor­ley) Athen­ian Democracy
25175. (Matthew Edge­worth, et al) The Strati­graph­ic Basis of the Anthro­pocene Event 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
(Stephen Lea­cock) Too Much Col­lege, or, Edu­ca­tion Eat­ing Up Life:
. . . . 25176. [2] (Stephen Lea­cock) Edu­ca­tion Eat­ing Up Life [arti­cle]
. . . . 25177. (Stephen Lea­cock) The Machine at Work [arti­cle]
. . . . 25178. (Stephen Lea­cock) What Good Is Latin? [arti­cle]
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Image of the Month — Along the north shore of Lake Superior

FILMS — May 2023

(Brown­ing 1930) Out­side the Law
(Altieri 1992) Bat­man, the Ani­mat­ed Series: Ep.1 ― On Leather Wings
(Mankiewicz 1972) Sleuth
(Friend 1987) Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple: Ep.9 ― 4.50 from Paddington
(Petit 1989) Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple: Ep.10 ― A Caribbean Mystery
(Neg­ule­sco 1944) The Mask of Dimitrios
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First-time listening for May 2023

26545. (Stan Rogers) North­west Passage
26546. (Dead South) Good Company
26547. (Etta James) Blues from the Big Apple
26548. (Stan Rogers) Foger­ty’s Cove
26549. (Kate & Anna McGar­rigle) Entre la jeunesse et la sagesse
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25143. (Jean-Paul Gagnon & Emi­ly Beau­soleil) West By Not West: Comparative 
. . . . . Demo­c­ra­t­ic The­o­ry is Con­stel­la­tion­al [arti­cle]
25144. (Damon Knight) The Oth­er Foot [nov­el ver­sion; short sto­ry ver­sion read at 14153]
25145. (Fred­er­ic Charles Schaf­fer & Jean-Paul Gagnon) The Hege­mon­ic Con­cept of 
. . . . . Democ­ra­cy has Dis­solved, What Hap­pens Now? [arti­cle]
(Stephanie Dal­ley ‑ed. & –tr.) Myths From Mesopotamia:
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Image of the Month — In the Hoggar, middle of the Sahara


(Jen­nings 2007) Son of Rambow
(Fleis­ch­er 1952) The Hap­py Time
(Forbes 1966) The Wrong Box
(Mazin 2023) The Last of Us: Ep.1 ― When You’re Lost in the Darkness
(Mata­las 2023) Star Trek: Picard: Ep.29 ― Võx
(Shin 1986) The Trans­form­ers: The Movie
(Mata­las 2023) Star Trek: Picard: Ep.30 ― The Last Generation
(Cur­tiz 1954) The Egyptian
(Smith 2003) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.27 — A Tale of Two Hamlets
(Gaghan 2020) Dolittle