Category Archives: AL - Blog 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 — “Wealth Creation” Private Equity Style

Skye Sepp sent me this inter­est­ing post from com­put­er virus and inter­net secu­ri­ty wiz Niko­lai Bez­noukov, who has impec­ca­ble first-hand knowl­edge of many finan­cial and indus­tri­al cor­po­ra­tions: Read more »

Image of the month:

10-12-01 BLOG Image of the month

Identifying “Identity”

Read­ers may notice that I often get a bit worked up about how par­tic­u­lar words are used. It’s not just the writer in me, annoyed by peo­ple say­ing “I could care less” instead of “I could­n’t care less,” or oth­er degra­da­tions of the lan­guage. Oh, I have that ten­den­cy all right. Strunk and White’s Ele­ments of Style had a strong influ­ence on me. But a stronger influ­ence was George Orwell’s bril­liant essay Pol­i­tics and the Eng­lish Lan­guage, which I read when a teenag­er. Orwell was inter­est­ed in how polit­i­cal ide­olo­gies tend to debase lan­guage. But I came, over the years, to be more con­cerned with the way lan­guage is used to debase polit­i­cal and philo­soph­i­cal thought, and to serve the inter­ests of the pow­er­ful. I tend to get most on my high horse when I feel that some stu­pid or wicked notion is being smug­gled into our sub­con­scious by a turn of phrase or an implied def­i­n­i­tion. Read more »

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 — The Secret History of Democracy: Publication Dates

My long-time friend and col­league, Steve Muhlberg­er and I both have chap­ters in an upcom­ing book which may inter­est read­ers of this blog. The book is The Secret His­to­ry of Democ­ra­cy, edit­ed by Ben­jamin Isakhan and Steven Stock­well, and pub­lished by Pal­grave Macmil­lan. Read more »

Image of the month:

10-11-01 BLOG Image of the month

Wear a Black Armband for Toronto

The cit­i­zens of Toron­to have just elect­ed a drool­ing moron as may­or. Toron­to is now a joke.

Sunday, October 3, 2010 — Some London Things

I spent my last day in the U.K., after tak­ing care of some busi­ness mat­ters, wih my friends Skye and Natasha, Cana­di­ans liv­ing in London.

Skye took me to vis­it Bur­rough Mar­ket, near Lon­don Bridge. Housed in a con­fus­ing­ly laid out Vic­to­ri­an struc­ture, and milling with peo­ple, the mar­ket is a delight­ful chaos. There has been a mar­ket on the site, or at least near­by, for two thou­sand years. Bur­rough Mar­ket com­bines retail and whole­sale func­tions, and there’s a cer­tain amount of grime. This and the con­stant shout­ing of hawk­ers con­trasts with the anti­sep­tic qui­et that per­vades St. Lawrence Mar­ket in Toron­to. We had some fine Per­sian pastries.

Bur­rough Market

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Thursday, October 1, 2010 ― Some Fine Conversations

While in Caith­ness and Orkney, I had some delight­ful con­ver­sa­tions. Many were with Orca­di­ans I met briefly, but did not exchange names with. An Orkney bus dri­ver, in par­tic­u­lar, gave me a fine word pic­ture of what it’s like to be a south­ern­er relo­cat­ed in Orkney. “My chil­dren are Orca­di­ans,” he said, after some reflec­tions on the ambiva­lent sta­tus of new­com­ers in a very tra­di­tion­al place. Like many new­com­ers, he had fled the fast pace and com­plex­i­ties of the south to find a safe and qui­et place to raise kids. Sev­er­al farm­ers answered my agri­cul­tur­al ques­tions terse­ly, but intel­li­gent­ly. Read more »

Image of the month:

10-10-01 BLOG Image of the month

Thursday, September 30, 2010 — Figaro in Kirkwall, Orkney

I snapped a pho­to of this curi­ous car, which I found parked on a street in Kirkwall.

To iden­ti­fy it, I con­tact­ed my friend Peter Svi­lans, an expert of auto­mo­tive his­to­ry. He replied:

That is indeed an inter­est­ing car. It goes by the charm­ing name of ‘Figaro’, and was built by a spe­cial divi­sion of Nis­san in lim­it­ed num­bers in 1991. The delib­er­ate­ly retro-styled car was ini­tial­ly sold by means of a lot­tery in Japan only, but it proved quite pop­u­lar and addi­tion­al cars were built. Rare and col­lectible. An off the beat­en track car in an out of the way place.”