24451. (Louise A. Hitch­cock) Archi­tec­tures of Feast­ing [arti­cle]
24452. (W. Techum­seh Fitch & Marc D. Hauser) Vocal Pro­duc­tion in Nonhuman 
. . . . . Pri­mates: Acoustics, Phys­i­ol­o­gy, and Func­tion­al Con­straints on 
. . . . . “Hon­est” Adver­tise­ment [arti­cle]
24453. (Lar­ry Hel­wig) AMR Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems: Mak­ing an Intelligent 
. . . . . Choice [arti­cle]
24454. (Pas­cal Gag­neux & Ajit Var­ki) Genet­ic Dif­fer­ences between Humans 
. . . . . and Great Apes [arti­cle]
24455. (Kevin G. Hata­la, et al) Foot­prints Reveal Direct Evi­dence of Group 
. . . . . Behav­ior and Loco­mo­tion in Homo erec­tus [arti­cle]
24456. (Tim D. White, et al) Macrover­te­brate Pale­on­tol­ogy and the Pliocene 
. . . . . Habi­tat of Ardip­ithe­cus ramidus [arti­cle]
24457. (Stephen A. Hop­tion Cann) Fever: Could a Car­di­nal Sign of COVID-19 
. . . . . Infec­tion Reduce Mor­tal­i­ty? [arti­cle]
24458. (Louise A. Hitch­cock) Space, the Final Fron­tier: Chaos, Mean­ing, and 
. . . . . Gram­ma­tol­ogy in Minoan Archi{text}ture [arti­cle]
24459. (Elisha Are & Car­o­line Col­i­jn) High-trans­mis­sion Vari­ants in Canada:
. . . . . What Hap­pens if a High-trans­mis­sion Vari­ant Becomes Trans­mit­ted in
. . . . . the Gen­er­al Com­mu­ni­ty in Cana­da? [arti­cle]

24460. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s Ear­ly His­to­ry] Anoth­er Biography
. . . . . of a French War­lord of the Hun­dred Years War: Bertrand du Guesclin
. . . . . [arti­cle]

24461. (Gau­ti Krist­mann­son) James Macpher­son­’s Poems of Oss­ian: A Translation 
. . . . . of “Low” Cul­ture into “High”? [arti­cle]
24462. (Dim­itrij Mlekuz Vrhovnik) Approach­ing Weird: Psy­cho­analy­sis and 
. . . . . Archae­ol­o­gy of Caves [arti­cle]

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