Monday, August 4, 2008 — Still Time To Do What’s Right

I admire ath­let­ic tal­ent and con­sid­er many Olympic events to be impor­tant expres­sions of human achieve­ment. For that rea­son, I oppose the Olympic orga­ni­za­tion and the peo­ple who run it, espe­cial­ly when they con­spire to hold their spec­ta­cles in lands with­out free­dom or democ­ra­cy, an act which under­lines their con­tempt for the human race. The Olympics debase and cor­rupt ath­let­ics. The Olympics are in their essence about mon­ey, pow­er, and exploita­tion. The cur­rent Olympics in Bei­jing are the worst to date. Their only pur­pose is to put the world’s stamp of approval on the Com­mu­nist Par­ty’s impe­r­i­al con­quests and assaults on human rights. They are being held to glo­ri­fy and legit­imize slav­ery, impe­ri­al­ism, and genocide.

If peo­ple real­ly did have any inter­est in ath­let­ic accom­plish­ments, or in the pur­port­ed “Olympic ideals”, then the bil­lions of dol­lars being squan­dered on this mega­lo­ma­ni­ac event would instead be spent on sports facil­i­ties, train­ing, and com­pe­ti­tion in our schools and civic cen­ters. If peo­ple real­ly were inter­est­ed in ath­let­ic achieve­ment, then the Olympics would be orga­nized on the basis of indi­vid­ual com­pe­ti­tion, not as a men­tal­ly retard­ed jam­boree of flag-wav­ing nation­al teams. Instead of forc­ing our most tal­ent­ed ath­letes to suf­fer squalid con­di­tions through­out their careers, then allow­ing a small rem­nant of them to enter a cut-throat strug­gle for com­mer­cial endorse­ments, we would be re-open­ing and staffing the gyms and swim­ming pools that have been closed by self-right­eous bean-coun­ters — the very same nitwits who are the most eager to squan­der tax-pay­ers’ mon­ey on a gigan­tic orgy for glob­al gang­sters. Then maybe our chil­dren would­n’t be dying of heart attacks and dia­betes, and ath­let­ics might become a mean­ing­ful part of our lives.

There is absolute­ly noth­ing pre­vent­ing us from hold­ing all the Olympic events in the thou­sands of per­fect­ly ordi­nary venues that exist around the world. We could can­cel the Olympics this after­noon, and no ath­lete would have to go with­out a chance to demon­strate their tal­ents, break records, or win medals. The only peo­ple who ben­e­fit from hold­ing them in Bei­jing are the Com­mu­nist Par­ty crim­i­nals and glob­al bil­lion­aires for whom this mon­strous orgy has been organized.

That is why civ­i­lized peo­ple should boy­cott them. No per­son has the moral right to sup­port, ben­e­fit from, or par­tic­i­pate in the Olympics in Bei­jing. The thou­sands of peo­ple bru­tal­ly thrown out of their homes, threat­ened, beat­en up, muz­zled and arrest­ed mere­ly to bam­boo­zle for­eign vis­i­tors to the events are rea­son enough for any­one to feel ashamed to par­tic­i­pate. All that fan­cy archi­tec­ture was built on land seized from the poor of Chi­na, who have been thrown out to sur­vive as best they can on char­i­ty… or on nothing.

The con­stant stream of lies and bro­ken promis­es from the crim­i­nal regime in Bei­jing is more than enough provo­ca­tion to halt the Olympics, even at the last minute. No claim that this “hurts” the ath­letes or “politi­cizes” the Olympics is valid. These are mere­ly the pompous and self-serv­ing sophistries of those who manip­u­late the pub­lic’s inter­est in ath­let­ic achieve­ment for their own squalid ends. If any­one real­ly cares about “Olympic ideals”, then they should demand the can­cel­la­tion of these sup­posed “games” before they start, demand that the events be re-orga­nized and held in demo­c­ra­t­ic venues, and refuse to patron­ize any com­mer­cial spon­sor­ship that exploits them.

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