21219. (Patri­cia High­smith) The Tal­ent­ed Mr. Ripley
21220. (Soraj Hongladarom) Explor­ing the Philo­soph­i­cal Ter­rain of the Dig­i­tal Divide [arti­cle]
21221. (J. Marugán-Lobón, L. M. Chi­appe & A. A. Farke) The Vari­abil­i­ty of Inner Ear 
. . . . . Ori­en­ta­tion in Saurischi­an Dinosaurs: Test­ing the Use of Semi­cir­cu­lar Canals as a 
. . . . . Ref­er­ence Sys­tem for Com­par­a­tive Anato­my [arti­cle]
21222. (Jules Verne) For the Flag [= Face au drapeau]
21223. (Michael Dee et al) An Absolute Chronol­o­gy for Ear­ly Egypt Using Radio­car­bon Dating 
. . . . . and Bayesian Sta­tis­ti­cal Mod­el­ling [arti­cle]
21224. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­ers’ World His­to­ry] Review of Armies of Heav­en
. . . . . by Jay Ruben­stein [review]
21225. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­ers’ World His­to­ry] Le Tournoi de Chauvency 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21226. (Vic­tor Apple­ton) Tom Swift and His Fly­ing Boat, or The Cast­aways of the Giant Iceberg
21227. (Julie Beck) Mar­ried to a Doll: Why One Man Advo­cates Syn­thet­ic Love [arti­cle]
21228. [2] (Fred­erik Pohl) The Com­ing of the Quan­tum Cats
21229. (Soraj Hongladarom) The Dig­i­tal Divide, Epis­te­mol­o­gy and Glob­al Jus­tice [arti­cle]
21230. (Jeff Spin­ner-Halev) The Uni­ver­sal Pre­ten­sions of Cul­tur­al Rights Argu­ments [arti­cle]
21241. (Car­olyn Emer­ick) Hilde­gard of Bin­gen: A Star Shin­ing in Dark Ages [arti­cle]
21242. (Takis S. Pap­pas) Pop­ulist Democ­ra­cies: Post-Author­i­tar­i­an Greece and Post-
. . . . . Com­mu­nist Hun­gary [arti­cle]
21243. (Michael Rabiger) Direct­ing — Film Tech­niques and Aes­thet­ics [4th edition]
21244. (Val Lew­ton) Cat Peo­ple [sto­ry]
21245. (Jeff Spin­ner-Halev) Uno­rig­i­nal Sin: Zion­ism and Demo­c­ra­t­ic Exclu­sion in 
. . . . . Com­par­a­tive Per­spec­tive [arti­cle]
21246. (Craig F. Freed­man) And Only I Was Left to Tell the Tale: Blind­ness as an Act of Will 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21247. (Gregg Barak) Theft of a Nation — Wall Street Loot­ing and Fed­er­al Regulatory 
. . . . . Colluding
21248. (Craig F. Freed­man) George Joseph Stigler, 1911–1991 [arti­cle]
21249. (Zhuo Feng, Ron­ny Rössler et al) A Snap­shot of an Ear­ly Per­mi­an Ecosys­tem Preserved 
. . . . . by Explo­sive Vul­can­ism [arti­cle]
21250. [3] (Alfred Bester) The Demol­ished Man
21251. (Mil­ton Fried­man) The Role of Mon­e­tary Pol­i­cy [arti­cle]
21252. (Deb­o­rah Hayes) Rameau’s “Nou­velle Meth­ode” [arti­cle]
21253. (Craig F. Freed­man) Pow­er With­out Glo­ry — George Stigler’s Mar­ket Leviathan [arti­cle]
21254. (Jo Day) Cro­cus­es in Con­text: A Diachron­ic Sur­vey of the Cro­cus Motif in the Aegean 
. . . . . Bronze Age [arti­cle]
21255. (Jeff Sypeck) [in blog Quid plu­ra?] “We’re just fol­low­ing ancient his­to­ry…” [arti­cle]
21256. (Ørnulf Gul­brand­sen) On the Prob­lem of Egal­i­tar­i­an­ism — The Kali­hari San in
. . . . . Tran­si­tion [arti­cle]
21257. (Lau­ra Mon­ta­naro) Reflex­ive Con­stituen­cy For­ma­tion: Thoughts on “The Boundary 
. . . . . Prob­lem” [arti­cle]
21258. (Stew­art Wat­ters & Aki Tona­mi) Japan’s Arc­tic Pol­i­cy: The Sum of Many Parts [arti­cle]
21259. (Craig F. Freed­man) Five Easy Pieces — George Stigler’s Blue­print for a Counter-
. . . . . Rev­o­lu­tion [arti­cle]
21260. (Car­ol Atack) How To Be a Good King in Athens — Manip­u­lat­ing Monar­chy in the 
. . . . . Demo­c­ra­t­ic Polit­i­cal Imag­i­nary [arti­cle]
21261. (L. Sag­noti et al) Envi­ron­men­tal Mag­net­ic Record of the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
. . . . . in CRP‑3 Drill­core, Vic­to­ria Land Basin, Antarc­ti­ca [arti­cle]
21262. (Charles Read) Gif­f­en Behav­iour in Irish Famine Mar­kets: An Empir­i­cal Study [arti­cle]
21263. (Ravi Batra) Alan Greenspan’s Fraud — How Two Decades of His Poli­cies Have 
. . . . . Under­mined the Glob­al Economy
21264. (Fred­erik Pohl) Pythias [sto­ry]
21265. (Craig F. Freed­man) Coun­ter­vail­ing Egos — Stigler ver­sus Gal­braith [arti­cle]
21266. (Emmanuel Saez) Strik­ing It Rich­er: The Evo­lu­tion of Top Incomes in the Unit­ed States 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21267. (Amy Read­ing) The Mark Inside
21268. (Jón Ólaf­s­son) Oranges from Abk­hazia: Vera Hertzsch, Hall­dor Lax­ness and the Great 
. . . . . Purge [arti­cle]
21269. (Vic­tor Pickard) First They Came for Every­one: The Assault on Civ­il Soci­ety Is an 
. . . . . Injury to All [arti­cle]
21270. (Karen Rhea Nemet-Nejat) Women in Ancient Mesopotamia [arti­cle]
21271. (Nile Green) Mar­itime Worlds and Glob­al His­to­ry: Com­par­ing the Mediter­ranean and 
. . . . . Indi­an Ocean through Barcelona and Bom­bay [arti­cle]
21272. (Christophe Bro­qua) Sur les rétri­bu­tions des pra­tiques homo­sex­uelles à Bamako 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21273. (Giles Carey) Rethink­ing the Domes­tic Archi­tec­ture of Ear­ly Neolith­ic Orkney [arti­cle]
21274. (Daniele Archibu­gi) The Glob­al Com­mon­wealth of Cit­i­zens — Toward Cosmopolitan 
. . . . . Democracy
21275. (Craig F. Freed­man) Coun­ter­vail­ing Egos — Stigler ver­sus Gal­braith [arti­cle]
21276. (David G. Goderre) Fraud Detec­tion — A Reveal­ing Look at Fraud
21277. (Min Zhu et al) A Sil­uri­an Pla­co­derm with Oste­ichthyan-like Mar­gin­al Jaw Bones 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21278. (Nicholas Wap­shott) Keynes/Hayek
21279. (Jeff Sypeck) [in blog Quid plu­ra?] “Where the scent of wild ros­es turns the milk to 
. . . . . cream…” [review of Well Met: Renais­sance Faires and the Amer­i­can Counterculture 
. . . . . by Rachel Lee Rubin]
21280. (Kei­th Knapp) Did the Mid­dle King­dom Have a Mid­dle Peri­od? The Prob­lem of 
. . . . . “Medieval” in China’s His­to­ry [arti­cle]
21281. (Mark J. Kaswan) Devel­op­ing Democ­ra­cy: Coop­er­a­tives and Demo­c­ra­t­ic The­o­ry [arti­cle]
21282. (David Reis­man) Schumpeter’s Mark­er — Enter­prise and Evolution
21283. (Melis­sa Ten­ni­son) Geo­graph­i­cal Loca­tion of Hunt Crit­i­cal to Estab­lishin Métis Hunting 
. . . . . Rights [arti­cle]

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