Wednesday, November 9, 2016 — Fucking American Morons, part 2

Gmail was down for an aston­ish­ing 24 hours. It will, no doubt, cost Google a lot of mon­ey, as they have con­trac­tu­al oblig­a­tions to their com­mer­cial cus­tomers which will incur penal­ties. The out­age effect­ed much of the world, and most intense­ly North Amer­i­ca and the U.K. It start­ed around when the U.S. elec­tion polls closed, and con­tin­ued for the bet­ter part of a day. Now, I don’t know for cer­tain the cause of this unprece­dent­ed out­age, with its unlike­ly coin­ci­dent tim­ing, but I could ven­ture a guess.

There are few can­di­dates for any­one who could hack such an out­come. The best can­di­date would be Don­ald Trump’s good bud­dies in Moscow. Motive? Per­haps an unsub­tle reminder to the world’s busi­ness inter­ests that they should not inter­fere with Putin’s Pup­pet Pres­i­dent. If that’s the case, we will nev­er know it for sure, as silence would doubt­less be a con­di­tion of com­pli­ance. No doubt we will all quick­ly learn that it was just the “fat man on a couch.” Whether this is the case or not, Putin is singing in the show­er these days. He now knows that he can safe­ly start restor­ing the old Com­mu­nist empire. If he decides to, say, invade Esto­nia and annex it, he knows that his good bud­dy Don­ald will sab­o­tage any resis­tance from Europe.

Mean­while, Trump’s even bet­ter and clos­er bud­dies, the Neo-Nazi ter­ror­ists of Europe, are pop­ping cham­pagne corks and danc­ing. There are now fanat­i­cal racists and anti-semi­tes in pow­er in Wash­ing­ton as well as Moscow and var­i­ous Euro­pean cap­i­tals, and their influ­ence is grow­ing rapid­ly in South-East Asia. Europe’s Jews and Gyp­sies have few places to look for safe­ty. Cana­da may be one of the few remain­ing havens of freedom.

Bei­jing stands to lose finan­cial­ly from Trump’s ascent, but it is pow­er, not mon­ey that inter­ests Bei­jing. They are already reap­ing the pro­pa­gan­da bonus. They are already loud­ly boast­ing that democ­ra­cy has been dis­cred­it­ed, that the U.S. is washed up, and that Com­mu­nism will ulti­mate­ly triumph.

Those Lib­er­al val­ues —- democ­ra­cy and free­dom — that Con­ser­v­a­tives, Com­mu­nists and Fas­cists all hate, are in full retreat. Soon they will be forced underground.

Well, you fuck­ing Amer­i­can morons, you fuck­ing Con­ser­v­a­tive trai­tors, you final­ly got what you wanted. 

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