23642. [5] (Walt Whit­man) By Blue Ontar­i­o’s Shore [poem]
23643. (Walt Whit­man) Walt Whit­man’s Diary in Cana­da, with Extracts from Oth­er of His
. . . . . Diaries and Lit­er­ary Note-books [ed. William Sloane Kennedy]
23644. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s Ear­ly His­to­ry] Life in the Incomprehensible
. . . . . Future ― A Clas­sic Sce­nario [arti­cle]
23645. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s Ear­ly His­to­ry] Richard III: The New Evidence
23646. (David Miles) The Tale of the Axe ― How the Neolith­ic Rev­o­lu­tion Trans­formed Britain
23647. (Bert J. Goe­newoudt) Ken­nisat­las: stand van ken­nis en ken­nisleemten; een snelle
. . . . . inven­tarisatie [report]
23648. (Stan Lee, Peter David & Colleen Doran) Amaz­ing Fan­tas­tic Incred­i­ble ― A Marvelous
. . . . . Mem­oir [graph­ic book]
23649. (Emi­ly Tamkin) Amer­i­cans, Need Help in Syr­ia? Call the Czechs [arti­cle]
23650. (Ernest Chan­da) How to Gut a Democ­ra­cy in Two Years [arti­cle]
23651. (Robert Park­er) Greek Gods Abroad ― Names, Natures, and Transformations
23652. (Johannes Krause, et al) Nean­derthals in Cen­tral Asia and Siberia [arti­cle]
23653. (Soraj Hongladarom) Post­mod­ernism in Thai Poet­ry: Sak­siri Mee­som­sue­b’s Tuk­ta Roi
. . . . .  Sai [arti­cle]
23654. (Bryan Lee O’Mal­ley) Scott Pil­grim, vol.1: Scott Pil­grim’s Pre­cious Lit­tle Life
. . . . . [graph­ic novel]
23655. (David Cay John­ston) The Mak­ing of Don­ald Trump
23656. (Medea Ben­jamin) King­dom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection
23657. (Richard E. Green, et al) A Com­plete Nean­der­tal Mito­chon­dr­i­al Genome Sequence
. . . . . Deter­mined by High-Through­put Sequenc­ing [arti­cle]
23658. (Richard W. Yerkes, Atti­la Gyucha & William Parkin­son) A Mul­ti­scalar Approach to
. . . . . Mod­el­ing the End of the Neolith­ic on the Great Hun­gar­i­an Plain Using Calibrated
. . . . . Radio­car­bon Dates [arti­cle]
23659. (Erik Ring­mar) The Anti-Nomadic Bias of Polit­i­cal The­o­ry [arti­cle]

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