(LaBute 2006) The Wicker Man —- ludicrous remake

Oh, no! Not the BEES!!”

Okay, I’ve final­ly seen it. When I heard there was an Amer­i­can remake of the clas­sic 1973 British film I knew it would have to be bad. When it came out, every­one who saw it assured me that it was not just ter­ri­ble, but an absolute atroc­i­ty. But still, I was not pre­pared for how unbe­liev­ably bad this film is. It’s sick­en­ing­ly, loath­some­ly, hor­ri­bly, hideous­ly, insult­ing­ly bad. Not even the hilar­i­ous sight of Nicholas Cage punch­ing an Evil Wic­can Fem­i­nist while dressed in a bear suit can make it seem charm­ing­ly bad, like an Ed Wood movie, or Robot Mon­ster. The insult to the orig­i­nal film is sim­ply too mon­strous to per­mit that kind of plea­sure. This was made by morons who under­stand noth­ing. The best way to watch it, if you must, would be to be dead drunk, stoned out of your mind, or, bet­ter yet, in a clin­i­cal coma.

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