A radio adaptation of The Day the Earth Stood Still

Radio dra­ma con­tin­ued longer than peo­ple gen­er­ally imag­ine. Lux Radio Theatre’s last broad­cast was on April Fool’s Day, 1954, and they chose a drama­ti­za­tion of the clas­sic 1951 sci­ence fic­tion film, The Day the Earth Stood Still. Michael Ren­nie reprised his film role as the alien vis­i­tor Klaatu. Jean Peters per­formed the role tak­en by the husky-voiced Patri­cia Neal. From the voice, it sounds to me like Bil­ly Gray also reprised his role from the film, as the curi­ous young boy Bob­by. His per­for­mance was crit­i­cal to the film’s effec­tive­ness, but this is sel­dom acknowl­edged. Gray went on to a sol­id film career as a sup­port­ing play­er, and some suc­cess as a speed­way motor­cy­cle rac­er and the inven­tor of the F‑1 gui­tar pick. The radio adap­ta­tion kept close to the film script, mere­ly tweak­ing the lines when visu­al ele­ments had to be evoked. Ren­nie sound­ed a lit­tle tired, but on the whole, it was a fine trans­la­tion of the film into a dif­fer­ent medium.

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