Author Archives: Phil Paine - Page 5

25074. (Matti Charlton) You’re Mine ― A True Story for Brave Little Ones

There are not many books for chil­dren in which death is the main top­ic. Mar­jorie Kin­nan Rawl­ings’ 1938 nov­el The Year­ling, which dealt with death from a child’s point of view, comes to mind, but it was not con­ceived by it’s author as a “chil­dren’s book.” It is today gen­er­al­ly shelved with “young adult” fic­tion in libraries, but that was not a cat­e­go­ry in use at the time of its writ­ing. The author was address­ing adults in a sto­ry writ­ten from the point of view of a child. Its clar­i­ty and emo­tion­al inten­si­ty allowed it to reach a younger audi­ence. We expect a teenag­er to have some con­cern with the idea of death.

But when it comes to books for younger chil­dren, death is still a taboo top­ic. It is some­thing that, many believe, chil­dren should not be exposed to in fic­tion, or even allowed to think about. This pre­sumes that no small child will encounter death, or have to think of it, or need to under­stand it. Except, of course, the chil­dren in Uvalde, Texas, and Sandy Hook, Con­necti­cut. Except, of course, the mil­lions of small chil­dren who have had to expe­ri­ence a death in the fam­i­ly, or even the death of a beloved pet. And that does­n’t even take into account parts of the world torn up by war, where small chil­dren are drenched in the stench of death. There aren’t many chil­dren in Ukraine or Yemen, today, who are obliv­i­ous to death. Reli­gion is of lit­tle help, here. It is far more con­cerned with deny­ing death than with under­stand­ing it, or prepar­ing for it. At its worst, it attempts to dis­miss life as a mere pre­lude to an imag­ined eter­nal exis­tence … at once oblit­er­at­ing death from thought and oblit­er­at­ing life from significance.

So I would rec­om­mend Mat­ti Charl­ton’s  You’re Mine. I wish I had such a book avail­able to me when I was very young. In very straight­for­ward lan­guage, it explains death, how it is inevitable, and why its exis­tence under­lies the pre­cious­ness of life: “Be grate­ful for your life. Every day. Every sec­ond. Cher­ish every moment while your life is still yours.” The nar­ra­tor is death itself, por­trayed as a mon­strous beast, speak­ing to the read­er, “Lit­tle One.” While the art­work of the book is designed to be just scary enough for a child to han­dle, it also evokes the beau­ty of life in a way that a child can under­stand. It is refresh­ing­ly free of eva­sion, deceit, or exis­ten­tial­ist blar­ney. Many adults would ben­e­fit from read­ing it, since, as the author says in a post­script: “..we are all Lit­tle Ones, after all.

Image of the Month — We Stand On Guard For Thee


(Cor­nelius 1949) Pass­port to Pimlico
(Roman 2016) Peach­es and Cream
(Hiller 1989) See No Evil, Hear No Evil
(Páls­son 2020) The Val­hal­la Mur­ders [Brot]: Ep.1 ― Nev­er Before Seen
(Noguchi 1967) Gap­pa: The Triphib­ian Mon­ster [大巨獣ガッパ]
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First-time listening for February 2023

26486. (Kishi Bashi) Phi­los­o­phize! Chem­i­cal­ize! EP
26487. (Fred­er­ic Rzews­ki) The Peo­ple Unit­ed Will Nev­er Be Defeated!
26488. (Big Thief) Drag­on New Warm Moun­tain I Believe in You
26489. (Georges Enes­cu) Sym­pho­ny #2 in A, Op.17
26490. (Basic Chan­nel) Round One to Round Five 1993–99
26491. (Seo Tai­ji and Boys) I Know! [난 알아요]
26492. (Anto­nio Vival­di) Sin­fo­nia in G for Vio­lin & Orches­tra, RV 149
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25089. [2] (Robert McClod­key) Homer Price
25090. (Rose­mary Sut­cliffe) Beowulf [sto­ry]
25091. (Peter S. Ungar) Evo­lu­tion’s Bite ― A Sto­ry of Teeth, Diet, and Human Origins
25092. (Jesús Gil Fuen­san­ta, Alfre­do Mederos Martín & Otabek Ukta­movich Muminov) 
. . . . . Not Far from the Lim­its of the North­ern Uruk Cul­ture in the Middle/Upper
. . . . . Euphrates: the Lat­er Cal­col­ith­ic Lev­els of Surte­pe [arti­cle]
25093. (Susan Dewey, et al) Con­trol Creep and the Mul­ti­ple Exclu­sions Faced by Women 
. . . . . in Low-Auton­o­my Sex Indus­try Sec­tors [arti­cle]
25094. (Raziel Reid) When Every­thing Feels Like the Movies
25095. (Joseph R. Bish­op & Pas­cal Gag­neux) Evo­lu­tion of Car­bo­hy­drate Antigens ― 
. . . . . Micro­bial Forces Shap­ing Host Gly­comes? [arti­cle]
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Image of the Month

Just out­side of Van­cou­ver, BC, Canada


(Hawks 1938) Bring­ing Up Baby
(Qudaiber­gen 2019) “SOS d’un ter­rien en détresse” [live at World’s Best, USA]
(Qudaiber­gen 2019) “All By Myself” [live at World’s Best, USA]
(Qudaiber­gen 2019) “Ada­gio” [live at World’s Best, USA]
(Qudaiber­gen 2019) “Give Me Your Love” [live in New York]
(Qudaiber­gen 2019) “Made­moi­selle Hyde” [live in New York]
(Sakak­ibara 2022) Gude­ta­ma, An Egg­cel­lent Adven­ture: Ep.3 ― Is That the Best 
. . . This Coun­try Has to Offer?
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First-time listening for January, 2023

26447. (Friedrich Gul­da) Play Piano Play [10 Übungsstücke für Yuko]
26448. (Glenn Gould) Piano Sonata
26449. (Glenn Gould) Five Short Pieces for Piano
26450. (Glenn Gould) Two Pieces for Piano
26451. (Dimash Qudaiber­gen) “SOS d’un ter­rien en détresse” [live at World’s Best, 
. . . . . USA, 2019]
26452. (Dimash Qudaiber­gen) “All By Myself” [live at World’s Best, USA, 2019]
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25071. (John Wilkins) The Dis­cov­ery of a New World: or, a Dis­course tend­ing to Prove, 
. . . . . that it is Prob­a­ble there may be anoth­er Hab­it­able World in the Moon [1638]
25072. (Mike Cura­to) Flamer [graph­ic novel]
25073. (Richard Thomp­son, et al) In Search of Pleis­tocene Remains at the Gates of 
. . . . . Europe: Direct­ed Sur­face Sur­vey of the Mega­lopo­lis Basin [arti­cle]
25074. (Mat­ti Charl­ton) You’re Mine ― A True Sto­ry for Brave Lit­tle Ones [graph­ic story] 
25075. (Eber­hard Zang­ger & Serdal Mut­lu) Putting the Luwian Cul­ture on the Map 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
25076. (Ben­nett Bacon, et al) An Upper Palae­olith­ic Pro­to-writ­ing Sys­tem and 
. . . . . Phe­no­log­i­cal Cal­en­dar [arti­cle]
25077. (Mat­ti Charl­ton) The Bal­last Boy [novel­la]
25078. The Voyn­ich Man­u­script [fac­sim­i­le]
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Tuesday, January 3, 2023 — The Remarkable John Wilkins

I do seri­ous­ly, and upon good grounds affirm it pos­si­ble to make a fly­ing-char­i­ot; in which a man may sit, and give such a motion unto it, as shall con­vey him through the air. And this per­haps might be made large enough to car­ry divers men at the same time, togeth­er with food for their viaticum, and com­modi­ties for traf­fic. It is not the big­ness of any thing in this kind, that can hin­der its motion, if the motive fac­ul­ty be answer­able there­un­to. We see a great ship swims as well as a small cork, and an eagle flies in the air as well as a lit­tle gnat.
 This engine may be con­trived from the same prin­ci­ples by which Archy­tas made a wood­en dové, and Regiomon­tanus a wood­en eagle.
 I con­ceive it were no dif­fi­cult mat­ter (if a man had leisure) to shew more par­tic­u­lar­ly the means of com­pos­ing it.
 The per­fect­ing of such an inven­tion, would be of such excel­lent use, that it were enough, not only to make a man famous, but the age also where­in he lives. For besides the strange dis­cov­er­ies that it might occa­sion in this oth­er world, it would be also of incon­ceiv­able advan­tage for trav­el­ling, above any oth­er con­veyance that is now in use.
 So that not­whith­stand­ing all these seem­ing impos­si­bil­i­ties, it is like­ly enough, that there may be a means invent­ed of jour­ney­ing to the moon; and how hap­py shall they be, that are first suc­cess­ful in this attempt?

― John Wilkins, The Dis­cov­ery of a New World: or, a Dis­course tend­ing to prove, that it is prob­a­ble there may be anoth­er Hab­it­able World in the Moon, with a Dis­course of the Pos­si­bil­i­ty of a Pas­sage thith­er (pub­lished in 1638)

Though Wilkins pub­lished this half a cen­tu­ry before the pub­li­ca­tion of New­ton’s Prin­cip­ia, he had a pret­ty good grasp of grav­i­ta­tion, though it remained unnamed and its nature baf­fled him, and could pic­ture well enough the behav­iour of bod­ies in space. He explic­it­ly stat­ed that if there were a tun­nel dug through the Earth that inter­sect­ed its cen­ter and end­ed at its antipodes, an object thrown down it would come to rest, hov­er­ing, exact­ly at the cen­ter. Wilkins was a math­e­mati­cian, and ten years after the Dis­cov­ery of a New World, pub­lished a vol­ume called Math­e­mat­i­cal Mag­ick, in which he explained the gen­er­al prin­ci­ples of mechan­ics, spec­u­lat­ed on pos­si­ble tech­no­log­i­cal advances in the future (includ­ing flight), and urged his read­ers to pur­sue sci­en­tif­ic studies.